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A Forbidden Affair (a_forbidden_affair.xm)

Info Summary

  • a_forbidden_affair.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.39MB in size and has been downloaded 1436 times since Thu 9th Dec 2004 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 150429
  • Downloads: 1436
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: 6899fe2cb6f9ceb27610736f1ac40a90
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 22
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.39MB
  • Genre: n/a

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A Forbidden Affair

By Smash of NOISE
Jan 19th, 1997.
I owe a huge thanks
to the following:
Richard Burrows for
playing the sax in the
song (I sampled it)...
Astradyne/NOISE for
all the brass samples,
and all the trumpet...
Stote/NOISE for all
the percussion samples
in the song.. and
Introspective for his
early preview of the
song which helped me
give it direction (and
Without them this song
wouldn't have been the
same. =)

Right. Now for a (sort
of) apology. This song
has a bloody huge file
size (1.5mb). Because
of the trumpet and sax
riffed leads. Some
will doubtless say "he
used riffs cos he cant
track", or whatever.
Well, if I had used
some GUS patch or
whatever it would have
made this MUCH easier.
But the fact is, the
ONLY way to do sax
and trumpet that sound
remotely real is to
use riffs. I could
have dropped the samp
rates more, but if you
want to see what a bad
affect that has on the
samps go into FT2 and
try it. Sorry if the
size causes problems
for GUS owners, but
thems the breaks..

Everybody in NOISE,
especially AD who seem
to have done more of
the samps in my tunes
than me of late.. =)
Also to Three Brits,
Screamager, DD and
BassQ, + Aquafresh.

This song took about
4 weeks to write. It
was going to be piano
only, but ended up
being a club jazz song
with all the brass, et
all. It is meant to be
much more mellow than
Grey Note and the like
but I hope I have
captured that club
sound. =)

There are various key
changes but it is all
done in major keys..
Anyway. Thanks for
listening. Expect more
jazz in '97 from me.

(c)Matt Swoboda 1997.
Kick - stote
Snare - stote
Hihat - stote
Hihat - stote
Open Hihat - stote
Tom - stote
Tom - stote
Crash - stote
orchestral strings
- samp cd

Boesendorfer Piano
- samp cd

Acoustic bass - SCC1

sax 1
All sax sampled by me.
Played by my friend,
Richard Burrows.
Thanks, mate.
sax 2
sax 3
sax 4
sax 5
sax 6
sax 7
sax 8
Brass high - Astradyne
Brass low - Astradyne
Brass slide -Astradyne
All Trumpets by AD

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
