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A twofold journey pt. 1 (a_twofold_journey_part_1.it)

Info Summary

  • a_twofold_journey_part_1.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.58MB in size and has been downloaded 2890 times since Sun 3rd Jun 2007 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 155029
  • Downloads: 2890
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: 253ef5119b077919bd40f357cfa3ad1d
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 62
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.58MB
  • Genre: Electronic - Rave

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (8 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by aka hap on Tue 5th Jun 2007, rated 7 / 10.

An above average trance song. I didn't enjoy the overall flow, except for the 7:04-7:56 part, it's a bit too repetitive for my liking. It looks like the song was rushed, eg. echo effects at the end of a pattern weren't copied to the start of the next one. Sample quality is good.

I wouldn't say it's brilliant, worth the download if you like trance though.

member Posted by Nia on Tue 5th Jun 2007, rated 10 / 10.

I haven't a clue where this came from but it's brilliant. It's intro starts slowly, then comes into some rave/techno synths, then builds up into a huge raving tune. Judging the size, you'd say the samples were rather low quality - this is not the case. On XMPlay, I even turned off interpolation and heard no difference, it's that good. Approx 10 minutes long, so a very good listen. Make sure you have some decent speakers, as this module needs bass to sound it's best.

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Info Internal Texts *

:A Twofold Journey  :
:part 1...          :

Finished Feb 7, 1999

                     Any possible series of events
                   exists.  One may start down one path
                     of the road, but in doing so, he
                    also starts down the other, and any
                   other paths that he may come across.

       written for Sublogic Corporation by Brandon Tallent/Quikphix.

       8-bitted for your protection, email for 16 bit ver.


web:       http://www.subco.org/
web:       http://listen.to/quikphix
email      apester000_aol.com

    Brandon Tallent
    3914 Bendix way
    Elk Grove, CA

greets + respects:
xonox, groggy, nightshade, downward, wombwound, druidd, firestar, rs3,
zoolook, pasco, cr[own]o`, efnet #trax

:                       :
:A twofold Journey      :
:part 1...              :

 written/executed by
 Brandon Tallent
 / Quikphix

 Feb 2, 1999

 shift f9 for infos +

 length: 10:04

Ping                  sy
SinerSweep            sy
an1x.gr300.1          dw
an1x.gr300.2          dw
an1x.gr300.3          dw
an1x.gr300.4          dw
an1x.gr300.5          dw
an1x.gr300.6          dw
an1x.gr300.7          dw
an1x.gr300.8          dw
an1x.gr300.9          dw
an1x.gr300.10         dw
an1x.gr300.11         dw
lead.modified.gravity dw
an1x.warmbass[1]      dw
an1x.warmbass[2]        *
an1x.synthvoice       dw
unknown.choir[1]      rs3
STEPS.WAV             maz
dwave.reso.pad        dwa
dwave.dist.lead       dwa
dwave.flanger.synth   dwa
BADDD4.WAV            me
ST0T0SA.WAV           me
HHCD4.WAV             me
HHODA.WAV             me
crash                 me
303_1.WAV             me
303_2.WAV             me
303_3.WAV             me
303_4.WAV             me
303_5.WAV             me
303_6.WAV             me
303_7.WAV             me
303_8.WAV             me
303_9.WAV             me
303_10.WAV            me
303_11.WAV            me
303_12.WAV            me
303_13.WAV            me
303_14.WAV            me
303_15.WAV            me
303_16.WAV            me
303_17.WAV            me
303_18.WAV (tweak it!)me

   sample credits:

   sy   = symbiote
   dw   = downward
   dwa  = dreamwave
   maz  = maz
   me   = me
   rs3  = rs3

All of the samps I made
excepting the 909s were
done in stomper.

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
