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black hole physiscs (jb_b-h-p.xm)

Info Summary

  • jb_b-h-p.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 8.14MB in size and has been downloaded 1315 times since Thu 26th Apr 2018 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 182601
  • Downloads: 1315
  • Favourited: 4 times
  • MD5: d283b78226c8337f3eb387f1b9aadbc4
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 32
  • Uncompressed Size: 8.14MB
  • Genre: Trance (general)

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (10 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (10)

Favourites People who like this tune

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Psirius on Mon 12th Oct 2020, rated 10 / 10.

The piece is excellent. You know how to put the changes in at the right time so that such a long module doesn't get tired. A very, very good sound. Nice work.

member Posted by Grue on Sat 10th Oct 2020, rated 10 / 10.

This mod has been haunting me since I discovered it at the end of the '90s. What can I say, the atmosphere is superb and the speech part really hit the spot.

Straight 10/10 for me!

Reviews Your Reviews

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Grue reviewed this module with an overall score of 10 / 10
Posted on Mon 12th Oct 2020

Read the rest of Grue's review

Info Internal Texts *

     u l t r a b e a t
  black hole physics
 (no quality version)
           by Jrb

entered into the bmp2
    competition 1998
::duration - 13m10s

:: background info
imagine being able to
look from a reasonable
distance upon a black
hole. Probably not
black because of the
amount of matter near-
ing total gravitation-
al breakdown. The
surrounding regions;
white hot, and 1000's
of times larger and
stronger than our own
sun. Looking closer
you'd be able to see
the strongest force
known to man tugging
on individual solar
systems... ripping
apart their actual
frabric. Total destuc-
tion imminent. The
friction of the matter
burning up anything
living and the
gravity crushing all
forms beyond recog-
nition. Yet, what if
black holes held the
key to inter-stellar
communication and
travel. Perhaps the
older races in ours
and other galaxies
have already harnessed
the most destructive

::sample credits
-all intruments
  entitled 'by jrb'are
  by me!!! :)
-others by madhatter
  303 instruments71-80
-synth and string
 samples by heatseeker
  kombo, and other
-DZN samples
  sampled by moonstone
  from sample cd's
-speech samples
  taken from a
  cosmology program on
  bbc television.. the
  particular episode
  talked about the
  possibility of the
  existance of black
  holes, and the
  implications of
  and war.

::song info
  this is the bmp2
  competition version.
  The song will be
  released in mp3
 format thru ultrabeat
kieran, ra'anan, orion
maverick, substance,
masakado, ragoon,
seth, sam, keith3o3,
zest, zinc, trifixion
steve, b0b, kjwise,
scheme, lessan, mad
thrawn, jcl, nexus,
martyn anyone I forgot
(sorry), chill, #trax
(efnet and ircnet)

and my girl.. although
she'll never see this!

(c) ultrabeat / jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb

by jrb

by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb
by jrb

by jrb
by jrb




awe sweep06
by jrb
(2nd sample)
awe sweep06

(1st sample)


71 to 80
by madhatter
trimmed down by jrb

end of 303.set.1

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
