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Here Am I! Now Grovel! (arc-hereiam.it)

Info Summary

  • arc-hereiam.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 62.51KB in size and has been downloaded 533 times since Sun 24th Jan 2021 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 191148
  • Downloads: 533
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 59b7d59f18b4c9946b2d76a09d860223
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 7
  • Uncompressed Size: 62.51KB
  • Genre: Electronic (general)

License License

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comments Artist's Comments

artist Probably composed in July 1996. Based on the text, it would have shortly after I joined Nucleus. So the tricky thing is knowing when that happened, since I would be drawing just on memory and the few clues I have (file save dates, comments in songs, sample names, etc).

My best estimation is that I would have completed this shortly after the CP/DP class ended (my computer programming class from the summer of 1996). All songs prior to this were part of the Nucleus “catalog” but aside from the copyright I put in them, there’s nothing to indicate that I was a member of Nucleus at the time. Based on the song quality and comments in songs shortly after the class, I think I probably completed this song just after the class ended, but before I composed anything else for Nucleus. So that would put this right after Willy Universe and right before Echo's Call Remix.

Now, this was my first song composed in Impulse Tracker, using the IT format. I actually had downloaded Impulse Tracker before Scream Tracker, but only downloaded it for one reason: I wanted to listen to a track of Magus’s Theme from Chrono Trigger, which was in IT format, and MOD4WIN couldn’t play IT. So I downloaded it and listened to the track. Here's an example of the song: Magus(v2) By Smurf - it isn't the one I downloaded but it's close to it.

Later, after I had started composing in Scream Tracker, I realized I could do it in Impulse Tracker as well. Without giving much thought to it, I decided to try it out. At the time, I didn’t notice any particular difference since I didn’t really know what instruments were capable of (compared to samples). So, I ended up with this short, low-quality track. And a boasting, over-the-top title.

This could fit right in with the CPDP songs due to its length and quality. The main theme isn’t the worst, but it doesn’t go anywhere. The interlude with the square wave, however, is jarring, out-of-tune, and pointless. Overall, this was one of my more forgettable songs, and while it’s not as bad as Cellular Magnetic, it’s certainly not one that I would demand people to grovel to me over.
- arcturus

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Info Internal Texts *

Thip Drum
Brass Major Chord
High Crash
Smash Beat
Dist. Guit
square lead
Thwip Drum
Brass Major Chord

Smash Beat
Distorted Guitar
square lead

Here Am I!  Now Grovel!

by Arcturus of Nucleus

Well, this is the first
song I wrote as an
official Nucleus Soft-
ware member!  :)
However, some songs I
wrote before I became a
member will be copyright-
ed by Nucleus!

This song has a catchy
tune.  I hope you enjoy
it!! :)


(C) 1996 Nucleus Software

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
