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Echo's Call Remix (arc-echoscallrmx.s3m)

Info Summary

  • arc-echoscallrmx.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 83.50KB in size and has been downloaded 622 times since Sun 24th Jan 2021 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 191154
  • Downloads: 622
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: ebf8a86503d0ae3d2053448157df5b36
  • Format: S3M
  • Channels: 16
  • Uncompressed Size: 83.50KB
  • Genre: Electronic (general)

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comments Artist's Comments

artist When I first started getting into mod music, there were a number of other teenagers in my town who also made mod music and shared it on our local BBS of choice, R-Squared. The two who were most notable were Kalanaras and Subliminal, both of whom had written songs that made me want to start composing music as well. One such song was Echo’s Call, by Kalanaras.

Echo’s Call was also the source of most of the samples of my very first song, O U T C A S T (which wasn’t very good). But by this point, now that the summer programming course was over and I could take more time to compose music, I decided I would compose my own take on Echo’s Call.

The end result is that I finally wrote something better than my best song by this point, Segue. Granted, I didn’t come up with the melody. It wasn’t even that different from the original, aside from being a bit longer and having an interlude in the middle, starting at the percussion solo. Still, I was learning at this point to take a little more time and put some more care into my music.

Now, as with most of my songs in the Nucleus era, the order I wrote things in was a little murky. However, I’m pretty confident that I composed this sometime between July 11 (the end of the class) and July 24 (the save date on this file).

I don’t think Kalanaras ever released his songs outside of our little R-Squared community. I briefly met him in person once, later that year when he came to a performance of a high school musical I was in (The Fantasticks - which I later made a mod version of! The Fantasticks Act 1). In all likelihood, his songs (including the original Echo’s Call) are lost forever. Subliminal would later expand beyond our BBS, but I’ll talk about him in later write-ups (for Inclined, namely, but also Outcast the Third).
- arcturus

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Info Internal Texts *

Tech Bass hit 1
Tense Strings
Slide Strings
baby Bass Click
Hard Snare
Light Drum
Echo Note
Tiny Bass

Echo's Call Remix
By Arcturus

Okay, Kal, that was a real
cool song there!  I just
thawt I might as well write
a remix to it.  The echo
note part is written in my
own style! :)  I also put
a lot of echoing of the
main theme.  Well, enjoy
this!  I really everybody

(c) 1996 Nucleus Software

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* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
