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FF7 Last Battle 3(VOiCe) (ff7lb3.it)

Info Summary

  • ff7lb3.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.08MB in size and has been downloaded 5681 times since Sat 19th Dec 1998 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 41964
  • Downloads: 5681
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: 489b3a5a59c387251f027fcaff32c812
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 18
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.08MB
  • Genre: Orchestral

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (9 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Okeanos on Sun 1st Mar 2009, rated 9 / 10.

Impressive work! It sounds exactly as the original song!! Not a single note left!

member Posted by m0d on Tue 20th Feb 2007, rated 9 / 10.

The guy who tracked this put some serious hours into making this and kudos to him for that, seriously. This cover version of the Final Fantasy 7 "One Winged Angel" theme is spectacular, and probably the best you're gonna get in tracked format. Absolutly stunning. However, it requires looping, as it does not end.

member Posted by LittleElk on Mon 21st Dec 1998, rated 9 / 10.

I skipped right to this FF remix since I'm not even going to compare it to the other FF remixes. This song sounds exactly as it does on the PSX(PlayStation). And as they say: If you're just gonna hear one FF song this year, this should be it. This is the most advanced piece of music Nobuo Uematsu has ever written, and also the most diverse and changing piece. Musically this song doesn't sound any different than the PSX version. The only thing substracting from the score is that this is a remix! Not a self-made composition. The samples are excellent and I don't think it would be possible to hear any difference from this conversion and from the MP3 that I have. Even the choir is here. A must download for all FF freaks and I encourage anyone else to download it too!

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Info Internal Texts *

Final Fantasy 7: One Winged Angel (VOICE VERSION)

Original PlayStation Version:

Nobuo Uematsu

Tracked to IT by:

Mathew Valente

Notes: This took me over a MONTH to plan out and stuff... with little
projects in-between (so I could get FF7's style down flat... judging by
the quality of this song, i must say, it was worth it ^_^) Total worked
hours: 15..

10 hours - tracking
3  hours - research (FF7's style)
2  hours - resampling the voices (Special thanks to Nerrick for helping me
                                  clear up the 60-cycle humm)
*Special thanks to Nerrick for helping me understand advanced sample
editing... ;) first two chant samples are from him :) )

People I'd like to thank:

Zakna - if it weren't for him, i wouldn't have been able to fully do this

Sylph - having patience to put up with me while making this ;)

Nobuo Uematsu - DUH.. this is a cool song! It was MURDER to remake though.
:) (imagine how hard it would have been for him?)

People I'd like to say Hello to:

CyberThor, Lobstar, ZanyWzrd, KarriP, Alcan, AndrewT, AndrewV, AndrewK,
]{ipi, Dark_elf, Jink, Kupan, Blazeman, [AiR], Isamu, TankTNT, Tom-Servo,
TigLin, TearDragon, #square (both dal, and ef), pluse, alamone, pyr0s,
Zany Wizard..
and anyone else whom i forgot, you should know who you are :)

Enjoy this really hard song... oy.. it took me forever to make.. :) email
me with comments on it will ya? thanks.. :)

*** VoiCe VeRSioN ***

[FinalFant.7] Strings
[Concertmate] Timpani
[FinalFant.7] Trumpet
[Yamaha PSR ] Cymbal
[FinalFant.7] Flute
[Concertmate] Piano High
[GUS Patches] Trombone
[FinalFant.7] Snare
[TOP-GUN.S3M] Bass Piano
[DANCEMAD.IT] TubularBell
[FinalFant.7] Bass Hit
[Mathew-TSSF] Brass
[FinalFant.7] Bass Hit 2
[FinalFant.7] Perc. hit
[FinalFant.7] Chants 1
[FinalFant.7] Chants 2
[FinalFant.7] Chants 3
[FinalFant.7] Chants 4
[FinalFant.7] Chants 5
[FinalFant.7] Chants 6

Hit Shift F9

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