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Spectral Analysis (ybgc03.it)

Info Summary

  • ybgc03.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 280.88KB in size and has been downloaded 2260 times since Thu 17th Oct 2002 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 62606
  • Downloads: 2260
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: 84ff50b6151671a9c8892b5a7c270c74
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 26
  • Uncompressed Size: 280.88KB
  • Genre: Pop - Synth

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (8 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by christofori on Sun 12th Jan 2003, rated 8 / 10.

This is quite a good tune, though it gets a bit repeatitive at times. There are several great sections, and my favorite starts in pattern 28. There are also some funk/groove elements after that point, which really adds some color to the tune. I would have liked a better developed ending, though, instead of the fadeout that the artist decided to use. However, the tune does stand strong on it's own, and makes good use of a variety of sounds to create it's mood. Really nice sounding tune here! I'm seeing a good understanding of tracking skill here. The artist makes excellent use of effects, and the tracking has been done well; there are some really great sections in this tune. Throughout most of the tune, there isn't a lot of stereo seperation; though late in the tune the funkier melody does make good use of stereo effects and panning. There are basic but effective volume and panning envelopes on some of the instruments, and the samples are all nicely compact and well used. Overall, this is a good tune with great tracking, though the ending could be improved upon.

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Info Internal Texts *


Q: Did I start this before the sample pack was released.

A: No

I started this on Tuesday Night (almost halfway through the tracking

Originally I intended the samples to be used for old amiga style type
tunes. I included some nice chords for the newbies to use so they didn't
have to think too much about chords. The one thing I did leave out was a
good lead sample, but that was for you (the entrant) to choose.

Ideas for this tune.. well.. something with thick chords, and not your
normal kick drum on every 4th note type rhythm sort of grew this tune into
what it is now.


P.S. Hope this tune is not too cheesy.

Email: Yannis_zip.com.au
WWW  : http://www.zip.com.au/~yannis

Snail: Yannis Brown
       23/54 Meadow Cres.
       Meadowbank NSW
       Australia  2114

[Perc]   Hi Hat Sht
[Perc]   Hi Hat Med
[Perc]   Hi Hat Long
[perc]   Hi Hat Sht 2

[Perc]   Kick Drum 2
[Perc]   909 Kick
[Perc]   Snare 1
[Perc]   Snare 2
[Perc]   Elec Snare
[Perc]   Crash Cym
[Bass]   Pluck
[Bass]   Slap
[Bass]   JAzz Bass

[Voice]  OAhhh

[Synth]  Sweep
[Synth]  Short
[Synth]  Wow
[Synth]  Rez 1
[Synth]  Rez 2
[Synth]  Rez 3

[Synth]  Klav Synth
[Orch]   Octave Str
[Synth]  Quasi Synth

   Spectral Analysis


 Groovy Comp #3 Entry

 10hrs taken to complete
 alot of which was
 just listening.


  . Cullyn & Katala
  . Mind_Bender
  . Fish
  . MickRip
  . TumFunn
  . Ozone
  . Hunz

  .. other G.C. Entrants

 Samples By:  YanniS

       (c)opyright Oct 97
             Yannis Brown

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
