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Pylon (pylon.xm)

Info Summary

  • pylon.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 501.86KB in size and has been downloaded 1032 times since Mon 13th Sep 2004 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 141733
  • Downloads: 1032
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: 84cd0ffcf8409765458ad86f2add0e95
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 16
  • Uncompressed Size: 501.86KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (Unrated)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Info Internal Texts *

       Composed by
     JCH of Vibrants


   Composed in 1995.
 Changed samples and
  drum tracks in 1997.

     LR5a - 07/1997

       Greetings to:

     Adam Lorentzon
      Andreas Varga
   Andreas Wallström
         Axel Dela
     Brdr. Rossenell
    Claus Clemmensen
        Claus Dreyer
       David Greiman
         Geir Tjelta
  Henning Joergensen
      Imre Olajos, Jr.
   Jan D. Arnt Harries
        Jeroen Tel
      Jesper Larsen
 Johannes Bjerregaard
    Kenneth Houborg
       Kim Bastholm
    Klaus Groengaard
      Lars Johansen
       Mads Madsen
     Marc Leon Paul
      Martin Arentoft
     Martin Schioeler
    Michael Schwendt
      Morten Hansen
  Morten S. Kristensen
       Nicolai Thilo
   Niels K. Mortensen
      Ole Mogensen
     Peter Andersen
      Peter Jepsen
   Peter Joergensen
        Peter Lind
   Poul-Jesper Olsen
  Thomas E. Petersen
   Thomas Mogensen
      Tomas Danko
      Tony Villanen
     Torben Hansen
       Wilfred Bos

     And all I forgot!

     This FT2 module
      and its music is
  Copyright _ J.C.Huus
      and may not be
   reproduced without
      his permission.

Thanks for the
the Windows 95
version of SidPlay!
Mr. Sid!
Stor lunken diller! :)
Thanks for all the
repairs you have
done for me during
all these years! :)
Poelsemanden! :)
Kom nu LIGE i gang
med at lave den
Windows 95 version
af FileVision! :)
Keep up the good
work with the High
Voltage collection.
Former Moz(IC)art.
En MEGA lamer!! :)

Tak for alle de
dybsindige breve
du har sendt mig! :)
Keep up the high
quality music! :)
Alias Trap.
Are you sure you
do not feel the
FT2 fever? :)
Jeg haaber det
gaar fint med livet
og den slags
Tak for alle de
Jeg haaber det
fortsaetter i lang
tid endnu! :)
Hvad render du og
laver for tiden?

STORT smaekkys
for at du skaffede
mig det job, Mads!

Tak! :)
I have known this
bloke for over 20
years. Only god
knows why! :)
Hvordan gaar det
ovre i Japan-land?
Faar du bikset
noget imponerende
sammen ovre i
Thanks for making
the SidPlay driver
as great as it is! :)

Creator of GREAT
FT2 music too! Go
get it at www.geo
Hils ogsaa de
andre gamle
Starion-drenge! :)
Hvordan gaar det
med din Silicon
Graphics? Kan du
snart styre den? :)
Hils ogsaa Soeren
og de andre.
Vidste du at du har
en tvilling i Herlev
hos Merlinholm? :)
Jeg haaber du har
gang i noget konsol
programmering? Du
har jo evnerne til
at sparke roev! :)
Eksisterer du
endnu? :)
A Star Trek fanatic
just like me.

Janeway sucks! :)
Alias Jo/Vibrants.

He prefers to be
called "Dennis"! :)
Alias Laxity/MON.

Din musik sparker
som saedvanligt
roev, keep it up! :)
Alias Drax/MON.

Hvordan gaar det
med digtsamlingen,
Thomas? :)
Gaunt!? :)

Alias Metal.

Interessant metal-
mand jeg saa paa
din homepage! :)
Thanks for your
work with the High
Voltage collection.
I am sure there
must be a few...

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
