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Unparalleled World (arc-unparalleled.it)

Info Summary

  • arc-unparalleled.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 173.33KB in size and has been downloaded 540 times since Sun 24th Jan 2021 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 191143
  • Downloads: 540
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: 5b0f3371095850462b5bf01e88e155c3
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 10
  • Uncompressed Size: 173.33KB
  • Genre: Demo Style

License License

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  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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comments Artist's Comments

artist Composed in October 1996. The title is a twist on the fantasy / sci-fi trope of parallel worlds.

Unparalleled World was my third track in IT format, and I didn’t look back from there. Only two of my remaining songs were in S3M format (Zustand Vortrefflichkeit and Gymkata - Camelot's Theme). This song marked the first time where I really began to take advantage of the features of the IT format - I used new note actions originally in Spacemaker 2000, but I made much more extensive use of them here. I began to use “note off” instead of “note cut” when it was useful. And, most notably, I started using patterns longer than 64 lines long. That may have been the feature that made me want to switch to IT format, in fact.

Musically, this one was heavily inspired by somebody else’s works, as my songs tended to be in my Quasar era. In this case, I drew heavy inspiration from several songs by Skaven. Most obviously, it was inspired by ID - Space Deliria - you’ll notice that the beep samples and some of the percussion come from it. It also takes samples and a small amount of influence from He Has No Face, Not For Kids and the lead is inspired by Ice Frontier. So it wouldn’t be a stretch to call this song a tribute to Skaven.

The intro doesn’t really match the rest of the song at all - hence my advice in the comments to listen past the first three patterns. Of course, I could have just changed the intro and made it better, but I wasn’t quite that forward-thinking at the time. The main section is a bit repetitive, relying on the same chord progression every pattern and with no variation on the beep melody. My favorite part is probably the lead at the beginning of the main sequence (right after the tempo shift).

Because this song was nestled into a period of where I was really starting to progress quickly, I don’t recall being as fond of it as I was of my other big songs of that era (Dark Star (final), Time and Eternity (v2) and Flight Through the Clouds). In retrospect, while it’s imperfect, I think it holds its own against those works, and is probably among my better songs as a member of Quasar. Still not great compared to the high benchmarks set by artists by Skaven, but it was a good sign of my own growth at composing music.
- arcturus

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Info Internal Texts *

                          Unparalleled World

                              by Arcturus


Wow, this is a good track.  Everything sounds better when it's in IT
format, don't you think?  Yes, I think so.  Well, enjoy this upbeat piece
of music...and remember, it gets better after the first 3 patterns!

-Finished on Halloween 1996

(c) 1996 Quasar Productions

downbass.sam (no header)
beat1 (future music july)
beat2 (future music july)
Electric Guitar Chord
SawSynth Loop
Electric Guitar Chord

Instruments edited by
yours truly...not much
editing, though.

I added a loop to the
SawSynth in FT2.
beat1 (future music july)
beat2 (future music july)

SawSynth Loop
Electric Guitar Chord

Slam Shift+F9 for info

Uses...52 channels?
10 existing channels

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
