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Jade ~ 2:30 ~ (arc-jade.it)

Info Summary

  • arc-jade.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 116.21KB in size and has been downloaded 570 times since Sun 24th Jan 2021 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 191155
  • Downloads: 570
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: c56d3950dd76a8c114a3621c7e95ef59
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 8
  • Uncompressed Size: 116.21KB
  • Genre: Trance (general)

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comments Artist's Comments

artist Composed in December 1996.

I can sum this up with one word: yikes. But I’ll add a few more words to expound. This is the one and only song I wrote that was completely built around the beat loop (no, not even The Arcturus Theme Song can be described as such, since I came up with the melody first). I had this beat loop sample that I liked and I wanted to use it. So, I started a new song, added the sample, and then started adding other samples in to complement it.

It didn’t work out well. Most of the complementing samples are just two chord pads, which I named “Chrono Trigger chords” in the song because they reminded me of the chords that play in the Black Omen. Most of the song is just these chords awkwardly and dissonantly fading in and out. Speaking of awkward, I also use a sample of dialogue partway through, which doesn’t thematically make sense with the song either. I got the sample from a song called Equinox by Ratz, which was an early source of samples from me (which I used extensively in The Arcturus Theme Song). It’s originally from a song called “The Black Mystery Has Been Revealed” by Rahsaan Roland Kirk. Finally, the song closes out with a perfunctory sinewave melody backed by bass and a random snare drum.

For some reason I had to name this song Jade, I’m not really sure why. That’s the word that came to my head when I heard the beat. I’ve got no explanation why that is, though.

It’s hard for me to find anything good to say about this song. I tracked it out in about 3 hours, likely in a single session, and obviously didn’t put much thought or care into it. Easily my worst song of the Quasar era, and even my fifth song Segue was probably better than this one, my 38th song. I should have known better by this point than to track out something like this.
- arcturus

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Info Internal Texts *

Kick Techie Breakbeats
"Chrono Trigger" Chord
"Chrono Trigger" Major
Open your ears
String Bass Pizzi
Double Snare
Kick Techie Breakbeats
"Chrono Trigger" Chord
"Chrono Trigger" Major
Open your ears
String Bass Pizzi
Double Snare

Jade    by Arcturus
Build:  3 hours

Ahh...a nice song.
Cool breakbeats and an
interesting tune to go
with it.  Yes, I think
from now on I am going
to spend more time making
my tracks so I can get
super high quality!  I'm
doing this for you, the
listeners!  And what
gratitude do I get? *sob*

Anywho, enjoy this nice

(c) 1996 Quasar

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
