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ADITLOAGP (blah) (adayin.xm)

Info Summary

  • adayin.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 336.56KB in size and has been downloaded 3607 times since Mon 26th Sep 2005 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 32900
  • Downloads: 3607
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 2822405b86696c8df9f8bacce32851fc
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 32
  • Uncompressed Size: 336.56KB
  • Genre: Trance (general)

License License

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comments Artist's Comments

artist This module was a joke aimed at the music community of CTG, but it quickly became apparent that the joke was on me since that module now has the most downloads of any of my songs over there and it's gotten fairly good comments aswell...

Guess sometimes your jokes backfire on you :P

I love comments, please if you have any, send them to john.marwin@gmail.com - John Marwin

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Info Internal Texts *

John Marwin Presents:

  "A Day In The Life
   Of A Gradius Pilot"


$tyle: Trance
Length: 4:21
Date: 2005.10.20
drop comments:

The craft is ready for
start, you're strapped
 in and you then put
the engine into active
mode and wait for it
to charge itself...
After the engine is
ready, you press the
release button and
you almost pass out
from the sudden G
shock that the immense
acceleration creates.
somewhere out there
is your target waiting
.. it's the usual huge
alien base which has
been built out of thin
air.. one day, open
space, next day:
incredibly huge
alien stationwork
poised to strike at
earth.. nobody knows
how they make them,
word is it's some kind
of teleport system...
But you don't really
give a shit, you're
just there to assault
destroy and return.
You put all weapons
on "safety off" mode
and prepare to face
the fleet, but this
time you brough a
little surprise for
them. You installed
a un-licensed new
experimental quantum
displacer engine which
you now activate with
a sinister grin on
your face, and as the
Gforces start to build
up around the craft
you flip on the switch
marked simply "Q"
which renders the
G-forces into nothing.
On the radio you hear
your superior scream
profanities at you for
being a reckless moron
, but you really don't
care, all you have is
the fight and that's
basically what counts
in the end. Winning.
So, you speed through
the intricate station
work blowing basically
everything into rubble
, they never know
what hit them, hell
they never had the
time to react!
Soon you see the out
lines of the massive
inner core where the
huge hive brain will
reside. Strange how
they always put all of
their eggs in one
basket.... "oh well,
easier work for me"
You think to yourself
and then you start
to charge the particle
exciter cannon which
will blow a hole
through the core wall
and enable you to
fight the "big boss"
of the place.
As you enter the
insides, you notice
that the insane speed
you're travelling at
is making it really
hard to steer clear
of the messed up
inner workings, but
you smile like a drunk
raccoon, and keep
the speed guauge at
100% reading... soon
you reach the big
brain ,and you simply
thrust right through
it without even using
one shell on it.
You then do a 180
turn and head back
to your base, get the
reprimand and return
to your quarters.....

God you're bored.

  sampled by AKA
  sampled by AKA

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
