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March of Atanis (atanis.it)

Info Summary

  • atanis.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 588.11KB in size and has been downloaded 4246 times since Tue 25th May 1999 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 34162
  • Downloads: 4246
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: 97489cc3eb408e2f70b48ae88995071c
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 32
  • Uncompressed Size: 588.11KB
  • Genre: Trance (general)

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (7 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Saga Musix on Sun 11th Feb 2007, rated 8 / 10.

This is a bit creepy and is interesting through the whole 6 minutes. Those voice samples in the background really add to the piece and the synth effects are very nice. This module is really worth a listen.

member Posted by Ceekayed on Thu 14th Mar 2002, rated 7 / 10.

This piece starts with nice synths and speeches. Gives a creepy mood to the start. Next thing is a slow breakbeat which just plays on the background, it makes you to wait until something happens. The breakbeat fades away and another beat starts and synths comes in. No solos or anything, definetly this piece would be much better if it had some leads or vocals. Nice synths and backgrounds keeps you still listening. The beat is the same all the time, that sounds boring at times. Then, yet again, comes some speech which brings the atmosphere of this song back. It kinda "wakes" you to listen the the end of the song which is lot better than the first half of the songm in my opinion that it is. Fade-out and there it is. Nice song but lacks leads and this feels a bit too repetive to me. But worth of downloading if you want some dark atmospheric trance. The speeches are very nice and the one taken from pulp fiction is just exellent. I see that the artist had to use some time for the pulp fiction speech, it has really nice noises on it (it had to sound like very old recording). the samples aren't exellent but not very bad either. Nice playing with pannings and effects, but couple parts of the song lacks couple effects from here and there... Or I would put couple effects to those parts if I had the power to modify a released song. =)

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Info Internal Texts *

              March of Atanis

         by (M)Rated October 1998


My first 'purpose-built' track. The first time
you hear this new tune you should be playing
Capture the Cow to get the 'real' feeling for it.
If not, then just try to imagine it!

I hope you enjoy this piece...

Oh yeah, make sure you CRANK it!




 1) Bog-standard 303 Kick drum
 2) Noyz by Tom Ellard. www.sevcom.com
 3) Loose Loop by Steve Smith.  www.sevcom.com
 4) Mellow Squares from my Korg 01/W
 5) Piano from my Korg 01/W
 6) Taken from "Unit" by Regurgitator
 7) Kick from my Korg 01/W
 8) Noyz from Propellorhead's OHMSS
 9) Taken from "Unit" by Regurgitator
10) Clav from my Korg 01/W
11) Bog-standard 303 Claps
12) Taken from Subway Song (the Cure)
13) Glass by Tom Ellard.  www.sevcom.com
14) From Pulp Fiction.  Record crackle added by me
15) Organ from my Korg 01/W
16) Kick/Crash by Dan W.
17) Bass from my Korg 01/W
18) Mono Lead from my Korg 01/W
19) Bog-standard 303 Hi-Hat

I recommend you play sapmle 14 on it's own so you can
hear all the effort I went to to make it sound like a
really old record (LP)!



Tan* first of all!
Berz for the title "March of Atanis"
AlexL for his efforts as project co-ordinator!
The rest of the CTC Team!
Everyone else at TiS!
Pauly W (and Jojo!)
Dan W
...plus the rest of you!  I can't name everyone!
And finally Epic Megagames and Digital Extremes.


Contact (M)Rated:

 - http://members.ocean.com.au/soutarm

 - soutarm_ocean.com.au
 - msoutar_nag.national.com.au
 - michael_greatcircle.net.au

 - 808675

 - irc.planetquake.com (#moo)


(C)Copyright Michael Soutar 1998
      All Rights Reserved

     March of Atanis

by (M)Rated October 1998



Shift-F9 for info.

(C)Copyright M.Soutar '98
   All Rights Reserved

     March of Atanis

by (M)Rated October 1998



Shift-F9 for info.

(C)Copyright M.Soutar '98
   All Rights Reserved

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
