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gitanjali CA^SC (ca-gitan.it)

Info Summary

  • ca-gitan.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 770.44KB in size and has been downloaded 6750 times since Tue 19th Feb 2002 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 34905
  • Downloads: 6750
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: e4e7582130f7a77d196294aca97fe0a3
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 36
  • Uncompressed Size: 770.44KB
  • Genre: Trance - Goa

License License

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Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (9 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Tue 26th Mar 2002, rated 9 / 10.

Oh Jesus Christ... I just founded my new favourite artist.=) The composer of this psychedelic trancetrack ,Cadra, is from The Netherlands and has managed to compose the best tracked piece of goa style that I've heard. Since I am a great fan of this kind of music, it was VERY nice to hear something like this.=) In this kind of music it is not unusual that the song starts with synths.=) So this is normal piece then? Noooo... Synths sound lovely because of the fact that those sound like the synths that belongs to goa. Soon the bass starts to pump and other drums get involved too, more synths come along with arabic influences and the song rolls on for a while. Then it takes a breath for a while and introduces a "piano-kind" sample which propably is the one that has something to do with pianoconcerto that from where the artist got inspiration to this piece.=) Sounds lovely... As the song travels it changes continuosly a bit and also gets more complexed, still managing to sound pure and fresh. It really gives the need to stand up and dance or at least adjusting the volume higher.=) The song is long (8.24), but I could listen to this few hours in a row. It has enough variation to keep it enjoyable to listen, but it also contains the same theme through the whole piece. Lovely build-ups, excellent patterns, marvelous samples, very good sense of rhythm and even very "goaish" song name appeared in this piece. I would love to give this a 10, but no chills, no 10.=) Lovely job Cadra.=) There was some midicontrol-effects used in this piece, but still the tracking and use of effects was very professional. Offsets, noteslides, some flanger, panning, surround sound and so many other things were used in this track. I really enjoyed the "real" sound of goa, since it has been quite hard to find any mods of this kind. Everything just fitted on its place here like s*it in to toilet. There wasn't even used that much of samples that it might sound, but I loved every sample.=) This is a MUST download for everyone. This got into my top 3 list.=) *sigh*

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Info Internal Texts *

                                                       jan 8th-feb 1st 2k2


                 by cadra

                         sublogic corporation music 2002

                         a guestrelease for total eclipse!

hmm.. 8 minutes of steadily pumpin melodic psychedelic trance-rave stuff
with kind of an arabia sound, stashed into a 750k impulse tracker module.
didnt i say i ended my tracking days? didnt i release a goodbye i.t. ep?
i just cant stand myself on days like this.

ah, well... at least it sounds different.. more melodic than usual.. :-)
and those guys at te need more tracked work... ive seen like 3 non-mp3
musics among the last 30 releases! :-S what is this world coming to!?

this tune was sort-of inspired by sergej rachmaninov's piano concerto no.3
(part 1), and mfg's "new kind of world" (eh, i bet you noticed).

greetings to the usual suspects... tripwire, matthijs b, shiva, vulcan,
saiko, mummra, unknown source, a98, uri, dj shout, dj dx, capone, dj
trefall, dj maxxie, lunari, cykiq, nekativ, secret id, dapurno, all the
rest of the te- ihs- and dwp-crews, and especially jape, for letting me do
this once more 8-D

contact me   cadra400_hotmail.com
             www.cadra.cjb.net (fresh new design :o)
             icq 53726445
more music   www.subco.org

see you later

      hands off that hamster!

                                           friend of yours, bernard?

"gitanjali" by cadra

2002, total eclipse

shift f9 for words afloat


hit shift f9 for some
floating words

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