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The Light (1_djb_tlg.xm)

Info Summary

  • 1_djb_tlg.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 912.26KB in size and has been downloaded 3969 times since Sat 1st Jun 2002 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 59983
  • Downloads: 3969
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: a68e6a518a524fa44fd2d306c2b4b75f
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 42
  • Uncompressed Size: 912.26KB
  • Genre: Trance (general)

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (7 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Saga Musix on Tue 12th Aug 2008, rated 8 / 10.

I really dig the tb-303 work in this tune. The rest of the tune is also pretty good, although the strings in the background sometimes sound a bit strange (one of the high notes is always pretty dominant. The shifted drums are pretty nice - but they sound kinda pretty when they're solo'd at the end.

member Posted by christofori on Mon 17th Jun 2002, rated 7 / 10.

OK kids - the music has been made well, and everything in the song fits in very well. I understand that this is a remix of another song by DJ Azur, so I might have done well to download and listen to it first; but... Anyway, there is nothing that sticks out musically or seems out of place, everything seems to work very well for this mix. The samples all sound pretty good, though I would like to hear a better piano sample. The effects used in the piece have been done well, and it seems like there's enough panning to make me happy. As I've not heard the original, I can't make any claims to what the artist here has changed or improved upon; but I can say that it is a very good club tune with enough variation to not bore the listeners. Good work here! The samples used are all very fitting to this style of music, and upon examination, I see that the loop points used have all been placed well, with few exceptions. Also, the artist has made fairly good use of volume envelopes. Structurally, the song is done pretty well, but I would like to see the artist use less channels to accomplish what he's doing (it is possible). Each channel is dedicated (and named) for a specific part, whether it be the strings and piano for most of the song, or the seldom used effects: each gets their own channel. This isn't really a bad thing, but the artist could have easilly cut the number of channels used down by 4 or 6 by using some channels for more than one sample/instrument. Also, some patterns are either identical or very similar to some which have already played; it would be cool to see some of them reused in the pattern order instead of copied into a new pattern. The biggest gripe I have stylisticaly comes between patterns 26 and 27 -- the strings in 26 are nice and flowing, but when the next pattern arrives they lose their mysticism and instead just play some static chords. It may have been a conscious decision on the part of the artist or an honest mistake; and if it were a decision, I find myself wishing they were more identical (ie both using the midi macro effect). The panning used is fairly static and never really changes; some channels/samples tend to be panned slightly left while the next is panned slightly right. This helps balance the song well enough for a good stereo effect, but now after looking at the song itself I find myself wishing for a bit more from the panning and effects standpoints. However, I would tend to say that this is a decently put together song, and musically it stands on its own quite well. Good work!

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Info Internal Texts *

        DJ Bourg Presents :
             The Light,
      the Cataclysm Club Mix!
  Original by .. Dj Azur
  Remix by ..... DJ Bourg
  Released ..... May 2, 2001
     P.S.: DON'T use Winamp to
    listen to mods because some
  effects such as pitch and volume
        aren't recognized.
       Please use a good mod
    player like ModPlug Player.
         E-mail Dj Azur :
         E-mail DJ Bourg :

The Light,
The DJ Bourg
Cataclysm Club Mix,
By DJ Bourg,
Original by
Dj Azur

Main hi-hat
Thin cymbal
Dream piano
High string
Rave synth
Saw string
Standard clap
Rave lead

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
