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The Creeping House (arc-creep.it)

Info Summary

  • arc-creep.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 521.76KB in size and has been downloaded 2549 times since Sun 9th Jun 2002 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 33903
  • Downloads: 2549
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 41f62abd2112a6fdc9889292145081a2
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 12
  • Uncompressed Size: 521.76KB
  • Genre: Halloween

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comments Artist's Comments

artist Completed in October 1997.

It’s my second Halloween song, the previous being Ghoulies and Ghosties, released the year before. This one was much better. I don’t think I can call this a remix of Ghoulies and Ghosties, even though they share a similar bassline. Outside of that and the general haunted house theme, the two songs don’t have much in common.

In this version, I opted to go for more samples to sound more like music you would actually hear at a Halloween party or haunted mansion ride. That means no electric guitar and more organs and strings. I once again went with a groove tempo, and used a collection of atmospheric voice samples. Some I re-used from Ghoulies and Ghosties, some were new, and some I created myself. The finger snapping, “wa-ka-chi-ka” sounds, and some of the vocal samples were all my own work. I think this was the only song where I used a finger snap sample, and it worked well.

I’m not sure why I mentioned the high school drama departments in the comments. At this point in 1997 I was not in any theater production, though I had been in several others throughout the year (one of which was combined with Capital high school - I went to Timberline). I don’t exactly recall who Smeg-For-Brains was, either. I’m guessing it was not somebody who was likely to read the comments to my songs. There’s a small possibility that it was a girl from Capital who I had a crush on at the time (why would I use that name? Probably because I was socially awkward).

This song is fairly short, but I like how it all came together. It’s fun, a little goofy, and not too repetitive.
- arcturus

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Info Internal Texts *

The Creeping House
by Arcturus (me, in case you didn't figure that out =)
of Shattered Fixtures

My second halloween song!  Cool.  Uses the bass theme from my original
halloween song, "Ghoulies and Ghosties."  But this one is better.  Less
emphasis on guitars, more emphasis on the strings and organ!

Sample credits:  7, 11, 16, 18, 19, 20 and 21 are by me.
                 10 is by Subliminal
                 6 is by The Zapper, I think.  Or maybe Leviathan.
                 The rest I don't know! =)

Greets to:

Fixtures (Mix, Ming, MaD, Haze and Drip)
My buddies (Pro, Pretz, 'nix, 'cor, Guppy, Jester)
The Timberline High School drama department!
The Capital High School drama department (not as cool as THS =)
Smeg-for-Brains (you know who you are!)


Oh, yeah, if you copy this song, or take credit for my samples, or
something, I will personally go to your house/apartment/hut and
ransack/loot/dirty it.

Slap Bass
Hi Hat
Hi Hat
Hi Hat
Bass Drum
Snap by ME

Rock Organ by Subliminal
Are you afrad by ME
Screamin' drama queen
Watered down thunder
Insane laugh
Nifty zombie groan by ME
The Common String Sample
Vampire laugh by ME
The Creeping House
by Arcturus

for Shattered Fixtures

hit Shift+f9 for info

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
