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Lacquered Mouse's Comments


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Title: ## shit chip 2 ##
Filename: shitchp2.mod
Posted Tue 1st Aug 2000
Rated 2 / 10
The title's spot on. I have not heard a more repetitive song. I suppose considering its age you could say something nice about the percussion, which is slightly better than a lot of other 4 channel mods, but when it's as repetitive as the rest of the song... This goes for 31 seconds, has 4 orders and just repeats the last two over and over, probably to save the artist from wasting their time writing an ending. This is not worth the effort, people.

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Title: SF - TechCanon in G+
Filename: sf_tech.xm
Posted Tue 1st Aug 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This is a downtempo techno remix of Pachabel's Canon, although it's more difficult to pick that up at the beginning. The percussion is well created, getting more hardcore as the piece progresses. However, in an ironic twist, the similarity to Pachabels canon increases as the piece becomes more hardcore. One thing I dislike about this is the crowd cheering at the beginning, which in places almost overpowers the music. Anyway, this piece made me smile, if somewhat cynically...:) The technical side of things here backs up the musical side nicely. Nothing too flash, but enough to help the piece along. Heaps of samples and channels used here; I can't help thinking that these could have been shaved a little without damaging the music to cut the file size down.

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Title: senile
Filename: senile.xm
Posted Tue 1st Aug 2000
Rated 6 / 10
In terms of harmony, melody and rhythm, this isn't too bad. However, when almost every note has an arpeggio effect on it, the piece really loses a lot of its impact. I will say, however, that the bass is _good_, adding a kind of funky feels to the piece, which is rather repetitive otherwise. Technically very generic. Written in protracker mod style, although there is no panning in this one. The samples aren't really worth commenting on (ok, :) so this is a chip). Just the aforementioned arpeggio effects, and some vibrato in the lead. Nothing really special, I'm afraid.

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Title: seal
Filename: seal.it
Posted Tue 1st Aug 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This is a very good piece of music. The piano line is created excellently, and the movement of the piece is dealt with compassionately. Changes from major to minor are done beautifully, as are the tempo changes, which add a great deal of feeling to this piece. The dynamics are excellent also, with swells and fades in the different parts bringing out the movement in the different instuments. The ending could have been changed a little, it seemed a little abrupt. But overall, an excellent piece of music. Well tracked, especially the tempo changes, which could have been quite difficult to orchestrate considering their complexity. The piano is very well created, especially considering that only two samples were used. The flute sample is not so good, however, with excess tremelo in the sample itself which really does some damage to the parts where the flute takes the lead. The panning is nice, never too extreme, but changing at appropriate times. Overall, well created.

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Title: Crystals
Filename: pro-crys.it
Posted Tue 1st Aug 2000
Rated 8 / 10
A nice ambient feel is created in this piece, although the harmonic structure is a little repetitive, perhaps as a result of this. However, the parts fit together nicely, especially the percussion which sits under the rest of the music, driving the piece without overpowering it. Not technically very complex (although this is the first time I've seen a pitch envelope used to good effect!), but all that needs to be done is done. Nothing extra was really needed in this piece, even though the technical side wasn't that complicated. Nice amount of panning, the samples are quite good and fit the style well.

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Title: the Survivor
Filename: sdmsurvi.xm
Posted Tue 1st Aug 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This piece is well created, and the parts all fit together nicely. Subdued percussion, repetitive (sorry, I mean trance-like) bass, with some nice sweeps and effects over the top. Despite its genre, this piece doesn't get too repetitive, either, with nice changes in tonality and chords, and changes in mood scattered throughout. Good technical side of things here, too. Good use of effects, nice panning, good samples and well-constructed overall. The different sections in this piece are nicely backed up with good sample choice, and some good enveloping, especially in the sweeps.

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Title: Seen WhatYouEveR Saw
Filename: seen.xm
Posted Sat 8th Jul 2000
Rated 8 / 10
This is a beautifully subdued piece of music. A nice guitar riff sits in the background while a wonderfully controlled flute takes the lead. The drums are excellent as are the movements from one section to the next which flow smoothly and relate well to each other whilst still giving a nice amount of variety. Nothing to complain about here. Excellent use of the tracker to suit the requirements of the music. This piece is wonderfully understated. Nothing over the top, even the distorted guitars are controlled well to sit underneath the rest of the accompaniment. A bit more panning wouldn't have gone astray, just to create a better surround effect. This is the sort of piece where that would have really added to the music. But overall, very well created.

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Title: hiscore2.java+
Filename: select.mod
Posted Thu 6th Jul 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This is quite a good piece, although some of the samples need tuning; this is especially noticeable during the introduction and makes you expect a very poor piece of music. Apart from this though, a good beat and rhythm is created, and it sustains your interest throughout the piece. The leads could have been a little more innovative, they get rather predictable. But overall a good piece of music. The samples are the problem here. The only real thing that I feel really makes these old ProTracker mods show their age is the poor sample quality (4 channels are enough if you're a good tracker :), and the samples in this song are poor quality; with an added dash of background hiss. The music _is_ its samples and when you get a good mod ruined by poor samples it really is disappointing. But leaving the samples to one side, and looking at the way the song is constructed, the song still isn't technically that good. However, the stereo LRLR construction is quite well used in this mod, and you don't get all the loud samples in one channel as you do in many other Protracker modules. Overall, not too bad, but could have been better.

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Title: Selfaddict /Quark Project
Filename: selfaddict.it
Posted Thu 6th Jul 2000
Rated 5 / 10
This piece gets rather repetitive, even though it seems to be constantly changing. The same bass and chord progression are used throughout most of the piece, and the piece just plods along without any real direction. But I suppose this is trance... The acid samples are quite good however, and they really add to the piece. Unfortunately they are used very rarely, which is a pity... Not much to say, really. A piece like this doesn't really need much technical brilliance to back it up, and that's lucky because there isn't much technical brilliance here. No panning is used, and although the samples are of good quality, the artist tends not to use them to their full potential. Use of effects and functions is negligable, although, as I said, a piece like this doesn't really need them.

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Title: sparkman.xm
Filename: sparkman.xm
Posted Wed 5th Jul 2000
Rated 3 / 10
This is quite good game music, but unfortunately, it's only that. This really should never be more than something sitting in the background of a tacky computer game that no-one really notices. Very generic type of tune for the style though; nothing really exceptional. Despite the fact this is an XM, Qum seems to find it necessary to write in 4-channel mod style. Even back in the early days of tracking this would have had a hard time trying to be taken seriously. Not very well constructed, I'm afraid.

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Title: Fuck Chernobyl
Filename: pianocih.it
Posted Wed 5th Jul 2000
Rated 6 / 10
Wow. This is a nice piece of music. It's quite calm and pleasant to listen to, and you can't hear any of the aggression that inspired its creation behind it (It's dedicated to the virus that destroyed this guy's computer). The simulation of a sustain pedal could have been increased in some sections, as some of the notes sound a little abrupt. Also, a few tempo changes here and there wouldn't have gone astray, as I feel some sections need a little more compassion in their style. This really isn't very good, when you look at how it has been created as a mod. It basically looks as though it has been transcribed straight from a piece of piano music, with very little other thought put into it. Some of the jumps as the piano instrument changes between piano samples are quite noticeable, although this is not technically the fault of the artist, as they just ripped the samples, and didn't change them at all.

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Title: Inner spirit
Filename: piano3.xm
Posted Wed 5th Jul 2000
Rated 5 / 10
As a piece of music, this is quite good. Unfortunately, its transfer into mod form is less than admirable, as the samples used are very poor, and it sounds very unnatural to the ear of a musician. I think this one should simply be a piece for solo piano, and be played acoustically, unless some revamping of the tracking in the mod occurs. As I said before, the technical side of things really lets this piece down. If better samples were used, and overall better tracking was done, this would be a far, far better mod.

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Title: Lovespy
Filename: lovespy.xm
Posted Wed 5th Jul 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This is quite simple and very repetitive, although there are some sections which sound quite professional. The intro is quite nice, but once the percussion enters, and when the lead is taken by a poor string sample, the professional edge is lost. Also, there is no build up in this song, it needs something exciting to happen instead of the disappointing fadeout at about 1 minute 30. Some panning would really have helped this piece, especially in the sections in which the lead reverbs. The sound could have been filled out much more and the reverb could have been accentuated if the sample had echoed around the channels. Also, extra bass could have filled out the song; it sound a bit empty at times. Not bad, looking at it from the technical side of things, but some things could have been improved

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Title: LK7: Beyond The Stars V2.0
Filename: lk7-bts2.it
Posted Wed 5th Jul 2000
Rated 7 / 10
Apart from the beginning, in which the piano sounds rather laboured, this piece is quite well constructed. Good melodies which work around the chords nicely, and an excellent accompaniment give this piece a great atmosphere. The chord progression could perhaps have had a little more variety, as the song gets a little repetitive in terms of harmony, but this doesn't really detract from the piece. Overall, technically this piece could have been better, and a few technical things could have really helped this piece. For example, if a note fade or note off NNA was used with the piano sample, it would have blended much better with the rest of the accompaniment. The piano in the introduction could really have been worked better also, with a few tempo and volume changes; it sounds very... unfeeling, which doesn't really help a song like this.

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Title: Queer Banality
Filename: so_banal.xm
Posted Sun 11th Jun 2000
Rated 7 / 10
If you like weird techno - and fortunately, I do - this is a very good piece. But if you don't, I don't think you'll find much in this. The percussion creates a good, strong beat, and the acid samples keep the song flowing nicely. On the musical side of things however, there isn't really much to speak of. Not much of a harmonic structure, just repeated riffs. Still, these riffs are created well, and the different parts work well together. This _sounds_ technically good, but when you actually look at how the piece is created there isn't really a lot there. The samples are very good, and the artist has compacted the tracks so the whole song fits in just 10 channels, but effects aren't used that well, and the panning is almost non-existant. Overall, not a very technical piece, although the artist hides this fact well.

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Title: softworld
Filename: softworld.mod
Posted Tue 6th Jun 2000
Rated 4 / 10
Musically, this is quite good, and the different parts fit in better than they do in a lot of other ProTracker mods. Unfortunately, there is no dynamic contrast, and this means what you get is a blaring sound in both ears for about a minute before it repeats again. The percussion, although the samples are poor quality, is used quite well. But, overall, this is just too annoying to really be enjoyable. Well, I'll say one thing. This is the first time I've seen an arpeggio effect used well to create an accompaniment. That's about the only technical bonus about it, though. The volume of each of the channels could have been tweaked (or perhaps smashed with a sledge hammer), so that the samples weren't so aggravatingly loud. That would have really helped the music. Panning is standard, samples are poor, and whatever the artist was aiming for, I think these things drag this down...

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Title: Nerrick's SoE MiniBoss
Filename: soe_mini.it
Posted Tue 6th Jun 2000
Rated 5 / 10
A nice atmosphere is created here, through the use of repeated, low drums that echo around the panning positions, and a dark choir sample that crescendoes and diminuendoes in the background. Despite this nice atmosphere, this piece gets very repetitive if you're listening to it as a piece of music. But as the background music for a computer game, this would be very good. This isn't very good, looking at it technically. Hardly any of the functions of the tracker are used, and the panning is non-existant apart from the drums on left and right channels. The samples are okay, but overall, this mod isn't particularly well created.

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Title: sod off.
Filename: sodoff.mod
Posted Tue 6th Jun 2000
Rated 3 / 10
There's really nothing spectacular about this piece. Although it sounds as though there is some kind of chord progression in there somewhere, it gets lots through the overuse of loud, poor samples and the arpeggio effect. Despite the overall effect, the lead which happens once in the piece is actually quite a good tune, and had the accompaniment been better would have made quite a good piece. The poor samples, and the lack of channels really destroy this song. Okay, it's pretty old, but I don't think this piece would have been exceptional when it was made, let alone when compared to some of the mods nowadays.

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Title: Sirenz 101.85
Filename: sirenz.it
Posted Tue 6th Jun 2000
Rated 5 / 10
This is _really_ repetivitive. Sorry, but that's the first thing you notice about it. A good, driving rhythm is created in this piece, but the fact that it continues non-stop with very little variation makes it quite boring. There is very little melodic or harmonic interest created in this mod, either; but I suppose you could attribute that to the style rather than the piece. Overall, too repetitive to be a great piece, although the style is created well. Well, it's okay, technically. The sample quality is quite good, and the piece is created quite well. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no panning (well, none that I could discern), and as I said above, when there is very little melodic interest, there isn't much that needs to be supported by a good technical side.

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Title: Sinol
Filename: sinol.it
Posted Tue 6th Jun 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This is quite a well written piece of dance music, but the samples don't fit together in some parts, especially the percussion with the subdued pizzicato and house pad. But, really, this piece is very well constructed apart from that. There are some nice breaks in the music, which add a good deal of interest without breaking the style, and the progression of the song works well; both chords and sections fit well together. I would have liked to have seen a more professional or innovative introduction; it starts off like so many other dance tunes, which belies the rest of the music. Overall, a good piece, although there are some places where it could have been improved. The artist has good use of the tracker in this piece, and the panning in particular is very good. Nothing is overdone in this piece, it's an uplifting piece of music without being over the top. The artist uses effects well for his purpose, but doesn't overdo them. Good use of the instrument functions, with panning and volume envelopes both created well. Overall, a good piece of dance music...

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Title: Silent Awakening
Filename: silentawakening.xm
Posted Tue 6th Jun 2000
Rated 4 / 10
Nothing really grabs you about this piece, I'm sorry to say. There's nothing really wrong with it, (maybe the percussion which could have been more complex), I just think that it was built on poor foundations. The chord progression is predictable, and repetitive, and the lead really isn't inspired. A very typical mod. Hmm, not much to say really. The sample quality is poor, there is absolutely _no_ panning, and little or no effects are used. Also, despite the fact it's an XM module, only four channels are used. But I don't think using more channels could have made this piece much better. As I said before, this just has poor foundations. I don't think even the best tracker could have done much with this.

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Title: The SID chip
Filename: sid.mod
Posted Tue 6th Jun 2000
Rated 3 / 10
The lead is actually quite a good tune here; there's something a little medieval or folkish about it, but sorry, the accompaniment is not worth speaking of. There's an awful, empty beep sound in your left ear, and a horrible chip bass going in your right. And the percussion is similarly bad. Just bass, snare, bass, snare for the entire piece. This could have been so much better... The samples are the thing that bring this down. I've seen so many tunes that could have been good if their artists hadn't been intent on "drawing little chippies" to use in their music. Panning is standard for a ProTracker mod. Very little imagination was used in the creation of this piece.

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Title: ## shine in the ##
Filename: shndark2.mod
Posted Tue 6th Jun 2000
Rated 7 / 10
On the purely musical side of things, this piece is quite good, that is if we're talking in terms of melody, harmony and rhythm. However, it really doesn't blend together well. The samples are really too different from each other. Okay, that's more to do with the technical side of things, but in this instance it really detracts from the musical side. Apart from this though, the music is quite good, and fits together well, in terms of the different sections in the music, and the chords work well. Overall, good, although the poor samples really detract from what could have been an excellent piece. Well, leaving aside the samples, which I think I've blasted enough, this is very well created. The piece is well constructed, especially in terms of the way it is tracked, and the effects used, which really help the style of the piece. So, there are a few things which hold this piece back, but in truth, it is actually quite a well created piece of music.

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Title: Keep on searching
Filename: search.xm
Posted Tue 6th Jun 2000
Rated 6 / 10
The first thing you notice about this song, although it has some nice ideas and an overall good feel, is that it lacks something that fills out the song. This could have been fixed by having a more substantial bass line, or adding a countermelody to the main tune. Also, the chords get _very_ repetitive, as it just goes tonic, tonic sub-dominant, dominant (which in itself is a predictible, even boring chord progression) for the entire piece. Even a small break in this would provide an enormous relief. Overall, a fairly predictable song, but still with an alright feel to it. Nothing really special here, either. The tracker is used well, but the song could really have been spiced up with still better usage. (especially panning!!) The sample quality is fair, nothing special. There's not really anything _wrong_ with the technical side of this, just nothing that makes you sit up and listen.

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Title: for one day revived
Filename: revived8.xm
Posted Tue 6th Jun 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This piece has a good feel to it; it flows nicely. A little repetitive, I suppose, but not too much. It is well created for the style, and the style calls for repetition. And the sound is filled out nicely, with a good balance of treble and bass. The lead riff is quite good, and it fits excellently with the accompaniment, which is also created well. It's not an awesome song, but if this is your style of music, I don't think you'll be disappointed. The panning in this song is especially good, where a nice surround effect is created. The percussion is also nicely spread between the left and right channels, which is something that's often overlooked. Otherwise technically, it's quite good, with good samples, and good use of the tracker. Overall, worth the effort to download, especially if you like the style.

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Title: Restless 16
Filename: restless.it
Posted Tue 6th Jun 2000
Rated 10 / 10
This has got to be one of the best mods I've ever heard! It has a really funky beat with excellent samples that fit so well together. The sections move just beautifully from one to the next, and the interaction between the different parts is just fantastic. It's superb, the whole thing! The vocals are used wonderfully, and they add to the complete feel of this piece. The synths are excellent too, adding a real "cool" quality over the top which ensures that the piece doesn't get boring. But then again, how could a piece of this calibre get boring? The length of the track is perfect, long enough to be a complete piece of music, but just leaving you a little hungry for more. This means that you can listen to it over and over. Wow! There's so much more I could write about this, but why write when music this good can speak for itself! Fan-tastic!!!! Technically: Flawless. The samples used are great, and they fit _so_ well into the piece, nothing is out of place; the tracker is used to its full potential, and the panning is divine. Nothing too extreme, just some nice surround, and echoes through the left and right channels Wow! This sounds _soooo_ professional, without being over the top, or pretentious. You can't tell it's tracked music like you can with so many other mods. This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

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Title: Song generated by NESMusa
Filename: darkwi_1.s3m
Posted Tue 6th Jun 2000
Rated 4 / 10
The music in this is quite good, very computer game-ish (I think the NES in the name does stand for Nintendo Entertainment System), but sorry, the samples are just bad. This is one of the reasons why sample ripping is not always a bad thing, if it stops people making _really_ bad chips. Well, even though the samples are bad, they are used quite well in this song, with effects that add to the interest. However, when it is this bad overall, it doesn't make much of a difference.

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Title: Repentance
Filename: so_repnt.xm
Posted Tue 30th May 2000
Rated 9 / 10
The driving rhythm in this really makes the piece, aided by some pretty slick acid samples and great riffs. The chords are used well, although some of the harmonies that are intended to be innovative are a little out of place. However, this piece is well constructed, especially in its build up, which creates a nice feel when it really gets going. The second section is excellent, with the complexities of the percussion really bringing out the syncopation of the main riff. It creates a great effect. Some of the samples stand out a little too much; they don't blend as well with the rest of the music, but this is really nitpicking a very fine piece. Really you could disregard all my little criticisms. This is excellent work. Wow! This song gets better the more you listen to it. Especially when you take into account its technical complexity. It really is superbly tracked. Really not much you can comment on, except that it's brilliant. That's all there is to it. I've never heard any of Sick Orange's stuff before, but I'm getting all of it now! You need to download this!

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Title: St Elmo's Fire Remix
Filename: st_elmo.s3m
Posted Tue 30th May 2000
Rated 6 / 10
This is a nice piece, but the lack of volume changes with the samples really makes it lose the feeling the original piece would have expressed. It sounds artificial. Just coded music. I'm sure the original music is faithfully recreated here, and it's good, but when there's no sense of emotion behind this style of music, it loses its purpose. Still, the music is nice, and Wraith has done a fairly good job to put it into mod form it here. As I said earlier, the unsubtle handling of the sample volumes makes this piece lose its professional edge. Also, the panning is nothing special. Even in S3M format it possible to get something a little more imaginative than Left then Right for 16 channels. Musically, this piece is quite good, but its tracking lets it down badly.

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Title: Trance 4
Filename: trance4ph.xm
Posted Tue 30th May 2000
Rated 7 / 10
I like this! The bass and the main riff fit well together, and the song flows rather well from one part to the next. The percussion could have been slightly more complex, (perhaps the samples could have been worked a bit every four bars...?) as overall it gets a bit repetitive, but it still fits the trance style well. The vocals are put to excellent use in this song; as the piece flows from section to section, a change in the vocal sample echoes this change in mood. I suppose this isn't really anything new in terms of style, but if we are speaking in terms of style, this is a very well-written piece of trance. This is quite good, technically. Sample volumes are tweaked nicely so that the song melds together. Sample quality is also rather good on the whole and the samples are well chosen to fit the style of the song. Instruments could have been used to a greater degree, to keep the number of channels down, but this isn't really a big gripe. Really, there isn't much to complain about in this song. Keep up the good work, Alk!

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Title: surprise, after all
Filename: surpal.mod
Posted Mon 29th May 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This has a very happy, sorta funky feel to it. That is, as long as you don't take it as a serious piece of music. The accompaniment is used well, with some interesting samples that create the comic effect of this piece. It's only short, and it only has one basic idea. Still, it's quite well made. Don't leave it on repeat though. I heard it about 20 times while writing this, and it starts to drive you insane after about 5. Quite good, technically. Effects and samples are used well to add to the err.. comedy(?) of this piece. Something good that you don't see in a lot mods is that the music fits together well. All the samples work together. Nice.

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Title: "Super Gravity"
Filename: superg.xm
Posted Mon 29th May 2000
Rated 1 / 10
This piece, I'm sorry to say, sounds as though random notes were chosen and put together and random intervals. There is no development, no tune, no harmony. I'm trying to write something good about this piece, but there really isn't much to say. Sorry. Well, the samples in this piece are actually quite good if you listen to them by themselves. Apart from this, the technical side has as little to offer as the musical. Sure, there is some use of panning, but it switches from extreme to basically none very quickly. Despite the overall feel of the piece, the volume envelopes are well created, as are some of the other technical bits. Surprising, when they are let down so badly by the rest.

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Title: Stressed OUT !!
Filename: stress.xm
Posted Mon 29th May 2000
Rated 2 / 10
Once this gets going it's alright, but during the overtly long introduction, which doesn't seem to be leading up to anything at all, it goes through so many sections that don't fit together (This is despite the fact that all the sections are similar enough to get boring.) and most people would have switched off before the good sections started. Anyway, a tune or lead of some kind wouldn't have gone astray in this song. Still, some alright ideas, but nothing spectacular. Hmm. The only good parts of this song come from long looped samples, rather than anything original from the artist. Well, at least he chooses his samples well. But when you've got 5 channels, no NNAs, and an order list that is an order repeated 4 times before another comes in, you don't have much of a song. Sorry...

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Title: Blue Utopia
Filename: sr_blue.it
Posted Mon 29th May 2000
Rated 7 / 10
The music in this piece is well written, and it suits its purpose very well (it was meant to be the music for an RPG). The call and response between the two synths located in alternating right and left channels is well constructed, as is the work between the leads and the harpsichord sample. The atmosphere created is nice, and the chords flow nicely. Overall, a good piece of music. Some of the samples in this piece are a little "tinny", and higher quality alternatives could have been used to a greater effect. Overall, though, the samples work well together. Panning is used well in this piece; nice surround effect, without it being too extreme. Few effects used, although the instrument usage makes up for this. Technically, not as complex as it could have been, although the overall effect of the piece is quite good.

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Title: sozzled
Filename: sozzled.mod
Posted Mon 29th May 2000
Rated 6 / 10
I think this piece would have gained a lot if the breaks into different sections were a little smoother. Unfortunately, that's the first thing you notice, and it detracts from the otherwise well created style. The percussion tends to stand out a little too much in some places, and samples that blend in more with the rest of the sound would have aided the song tremendously. This is very well created. The samples are used to good effect, with the artist obviously having a firm control over acid samples. It must be said, however, that a lot of these ProTracked modules are beginning to show their age; this one especially lacks a lot of the bass that you would find in a format where more channels are available. (maybe a remix is in order...)

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Title: Sozial Tabu
Filename: sozialt.xm
Posted Mon 29th May 2000
Rated 4 / 10
The intro to this piece sounds rather amateurish, with too many modulations which don't relate to one another. It lacks much of a tune for most of the time, except for the top line of the piano, which is more of an accompaniment, as it repeats over and over. A stronger bass line would also have done this piece the world of good; at some points, it is lacking the substantial bottom end. The panning is quite good in this piece, with echoes from the right channel to the left channel, with good use of the envelopes. Excess channels were used, when a change in the new note actions could have achieved the same result. Samples are only fair quality.

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Title: Snowy Escapes
Filename: snowy.it
Posted Mon 29th May 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This piece has a strange effect on you. The first time I heard it, it sounded pretty simple, and a lot of the accompaniment seemed atonal. But this is actually a very well written piece, and it creates a beautiful snowy landscape - it probably helped that it was snowing here at the time :) A nice atmospheric piece from Lucifer. This has some nice samples in it, which really help the musical side of things. I was also surprised to discover that the effect of this piece is created using five channels (OK, so NNAs push this up to 27 virtual channels) but still, an excellent effect created here. This piece really shows that you don't need 50 samples, 64 channels and more effects than notes to create a nice atmosphere. This keeps the file size down too! :)

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Title: Sitback @ Relax
Filename: sitbrelx.it
Posted Mon 29th May 2000
Rated 3 / 10
I don't know whether it's in the player, but the overuse of effects really ruins this song. The tune is warped out of all proportions by excessive pitch slides and vibrato. The rhythm created is actually quite boppy, with the percussion working well to create a downtempo hiphop kind of feel. The main accompaniment is a synth sample that repeats, ad nauseum in the right speaker. The percussion breaks, when there is no melody or accompaniment, come as a welcome relief. The samples in this piece are poor quality, and are not really used to great effect. The panning could have been a lot more original, and a lot less extreme, as you get hard drums in one ear, and a blaring, out-of-tune flute in the other for the major part of this song. _Not_ one of the best I've seen...

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Title: Strange Dreams
Filename: strangedreams.xm
Posted Sun 23rd Apr 2000
Rated 6 / 10
Quite a catchy tune, although it is a little repetative. Still, this is trance... The riff which runs throughout the entire tune is quite good so it doesn't get too boring. Nice changes from synth to piano leads, although greater variety could have been achieved between the sections. Also, there could have been a bit more percussion, or the percussion could at least have been a little more prominent. It tends to get lost under the rest of it, especially the kick bass... The sweep used as the lead in the first part of this could have been used to much greater effect with a few slide effects, but it tends to stop and start a little, when it could have continued. Few effects were used, but this doesn't really detract from the song. Sample quality is fair, although the piano samples are poor. Much better quality samples should have been used, as the piano tends not to blend with the rest of the music.

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Title: Stop Looking Back -=GA=-
Filename: stop_looking_back.it
Posted Sun 23rd Apr 2000
Rated 7 / 10
This is seriously catchy. Funky beat combined with repetative, but still fun tune and riff. This sounds really good in ModPlug! Okay, it's fairly simple and repetitive, but why can't there be more fun, happy songs like this on the net? Okay, this is quite simple in its construction, so, sorry, I have to lower the rating a little. Few effects or instrument functions are used, but when its just a happy song like this one, it doesn't really matter. The sample quality is good, and the samples are used quite effectively. This song cheers you up so much! If you want a little of that, download this now!
