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Title: Spidey & X-Men Filename: spidxmen.xm |
Posted Wed 5th Apr 2000
Rated 3 / 10 |
This is a remake of music from "Spiderman and X-Men: Arcade's Revenge", and although it's possible to see that there was a purpose to this track once, it seems to have been lost in this version. This starts with some blaring and aggravating trumpets that are rather out of tune with the bass, which is the only other sample apart for some very simple and rather poor quality drums. It doesn't get much better from there, and I'm glad this song only lasts for one minute twenty. This song only uses six channels and nine orders, and it's easy to see why. There's not much that needs to be tracked. Although TC uses instruments to some effect here (even if it is only to make the note cuts slightly less noticeable), there is absolutely no panning, the sample quality is poor, and the use of effects is negligable. |
Title: SnowGlintSculpter's Track Filename: |
Posted Wed 5th Apr 2000
Rated 8 / 10 |
This is a very well-constructed piece of music. It flows very nicely from section to section, and the the work between the guitar and the piano, and the rest of the accompaniment is very nice. The intro is a good length, and the samples work well, leading smoothly into the first section. I would liked to have seen it continue for a bit longer; it seems to be leading up to a big climax which doesn't occur. But this is my only gripe with an otherwise excellent mod. Technically, as well as musically, this piece is excellent. The panning is used well to create a nice surround effect. The samples are high-quality (most are 16-bit) and although I don't think the tracker is used to its full potential in this piece, we obviously have here an artist with a firm control over his mod creation. |
Title: Shangrila Filename: shangril.s3m |
Posted Wed 5th Apr 2000
Rated 2 / 10 |
I've seen some mods that don't fit together very well, but this is too much. The volume of the leads and piano completely overpowers the rest of the sounds and the drums. No variation there, either. Same chord progression (which doesn't really work) over and over again, and the acid bass doesn't fit with the other samples which, by the way, are very much out of tune. Near the end some very bad strings come in, which just adds to the lack of musicality in this song. Not much in the way of technique to speak of here. The samples are all bad, there are no effects to speak of, and volume changes are used sparingly if at all. The panning used does not work with the level of volume for most of the samples. OK, it's fairly old, but I've seen some awesome s3m's, and sorry, this isn't one of them. |
Title: **The Steel Jungle**
Filename: stjngl.xm
Rated 6 / 10