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Sunday Morning Groov (mre-smg.xm)

Info Summary

  • mre-smg.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 961.59KB in size and has been downloaded 4937 times since Mon 6th Mar 2000 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 1010
  • Downloads: 4937
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: 9708617903a57c3e0bd5fea130c68f75
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 28
  • Uncompressed Size: 961.59KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License


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  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Info Internal Texts *

By: Mister_E of
AudioStorm, Outburst
Group and NEURO...
...This is my first
piece of house, and I
think it turned out
rather well...This,
though, might be more
of speed deep house
or whatever, someone
clue me in...I don't
really know what style
of house this is...
Anyway, this has a
rather "the day after"
chill touch to it,
even the tempo taken
into consideration...

I've been told that
this sounds a bit
UnderWorld like,
you be the judge...=)
Shoutouts go to:
I-Motion, Stagger and
All of OutBurst Group.
Om3ga, CryoGenic and
Jack The Tripper of
Plasm. Kuno. Merlin.
DjTheCrown. BinaryBaby
LabHair/Lack Thereof.
Nexus6(Formerly Brent
Silk). HeatSeeker.
Jean Nine, For the
very inspiring track
"Take My Control".
DJ Sean. And all those
that I always end up
forgetting in these
greets and all...:-)
(off scene): -------->
AsmoDeon. Reggae_Babe
Lord Soth. Guru.
Liquid Infinity (what-
ever happend to Acid-
Man?). empaler. All
those I managed to
forget here as well...
Special greetings go
out to the Spliid fa-
Exit Judaea...And of
course the source of
inspiration: 20thCen-
Feedback: -------->
Mister_E_666 (at)
Get2net.dk or
Or via ICQ: 36085200

Yeah, that's about it
for now...Crank the
volume, and please do
excuse the 8-bit samps
(happy NOW, Plasm? =)
...They were crucial
to the making of this
track, so don't go
calling me Mr_Eightbit
for that...*LoL*



You don't have that
much to do, if you're
reading this...

But then again, nor
have I, since I'm
writing this!*chuckle*

Lalalala...And peace-
ful silence ensued...
-Mister_E, the 6th of
march, 2000
[End Of File Info]
Beat sample,  cut
and assigned by
By Sense?
Taken from Jean Nine's
"Take My Control"
By Sense
The NoShit CD
Bass Drum, taken
From a track by
Kuno called
"Circuit Breaker"
909 Hihat, Closed
909 Hihat, Open
909 Open hihat rev.
909 Hihat, Pedal
707 Clap
707 Clap Reversed
707 Rimshot
Bass, by ?
indian summer
Taken From Jean Nine's
"Take My Control"
Ride Cymbal, ?
Bass Organ by
Someone from Lagoona
By Westis/DCT2
By The Crow
taken from some
module, sorry, don't
remember the author
-From Acid Bee/OBG's
"Move!" track
Tai-Shun NoTreb

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
