bulgaria-2-sweden-1 (bulgaria-2_sweden-1.mod)
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jam&spoon productions (c) s.e. records 1994 \\\perseus/// this mod is made for our friends rpenguin and rao of hardcode use this one in your music disk.. 2 bad it is a pc production :) greetings to perseus accession, u4ia, t21 xs, our new friends in the pc scene... the ppl on #trax that is!!! contact for techno eggert, asbudartrod11 220 hafnarfjordur, iceland (that was jam kristjan, baejarholt9 220 hafnarfjordur, iceland. (spoons addy the name of this tune is the wierdest one yet :) considering that the match didn't end this way hehe thisisapcproductin90s
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