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Ashen Skies (mt_ashensk.it)

Info Summary

  • mt_ashensk.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 2.20MB in size and has been downloaded 6772 times since Sat 1st May 1999 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 1017
  • Downloads: 6772
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 75229ea08c3c741edc250553e3fe5de7
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 32
  • Uncompressed Size: 2.20MB
  • Genre: n/a

License License


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  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Info Internal Texts *

          -  - -- ---=--=-==-===-========-===-==-=--=--- -- -  -

                 ▄▀▄ ▄▀▀ █ █ █▀▀ █▄ █   ▄▀▀ █ █ █ █▀▀ ▄▀▀
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                          C O M P O S E D   B Y :

                   M E T S Y S   /   S E T   /   I M M

          S A T E L L I T E   E N T E R T A I N M E N T   T E A M

           T H E   I N T E R N E T   M U S I C   M O N I T O R S

          -  - -- ---=--=-==-===-========-===-==-=--=--- -- -  -

      Check out the Official Satellite Entertainment Team Home Page!


                   Also don't forget to go to the IMM!


I am open to all CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas, suggestions, and so on...

                             So mail me at...



This song actually has a surprisingly long story.  It all started when I

was the keyboardist in an alternative rock band, and we were going to be

playing the song "If You Could Only See".  They handed me the chord chart,

and I started to create a piano accompaniment to go with it.  The way I

played those chords (playing a fifth on the bottom with the root and/or

third on top) worked out very well the in the performance later that week.

In fact, I think that same chord progression is here in this song, and

that's were I got the initial idea.  I didn't actually start working on

"Ashen Skies" until early 1999.  This is when I took my second semester

in the SCVAP Composition class.  They wanted me to write a song for piano,

cello, and oboe.  I only had a week left to compose the song, so I spent

about two days (after slacking off) trying to get something finished.

What I finished was the piano accompaniment I borrowed from the

performance of "If You Could Only see", and added an original melody on

top of it.  After repeating it a few times so the song was 2 or more

minutes long, I was then off the hook for finishing my assignment for the

class, and the performance of the song at CalArts also went very well.

That melody is what you hear from 1:00 to 1:28 in this song.  That part

of the song was a direct copy of what I did for the composition class.

So far this song has a 1 year story, but it still would be a little bit

longer until I actually started writing the complete 4 minute version of

this song, "Ashen Skies".

The next semester of the Composition Class came around very quickly, and

we started to work on our compositions for the performance right away.

After 3 weeks in the class, my teacher (Roger Allen Ward) then asked me to

start working on the song, and bring in 30 seconds of song next week.

I got home with a blank mind, and tried to figure out what type of song I

would compose next.  Then the thought came to mind in the voice of my

friend Laserline, "finish 'Ashen Skies' dammit!"  I haven't finished a

song in the past 7 months, but I figured "hey, I have 2 minutes of that

stupid song done already, I guess I'll just finish it."

So I did.  At first I didn't know if the SCVAP program would even let me

perform the same song twice, but I was then given the "O.K." and started

working 2 weeks before the performance.  This is actually the most I've

ever composed a song, and all that preparation paid off.

I finished the song under CakeWalk for the following instruments: piano,

cello, oboe, synthesizer, and percussion (congas).  We practiced the song

the day before so everyone knew what the song would sound like, but I

still didn't have an ending, or a decent percussion part, so that night I

spent 2 hours working that out, and then the performance came.

The performance didn't go as planed; my amplifier was too quiet, our

pianist had to play the song on the fly (he never saw the score before

until we had to play it), but at least we finally finished it.  The song

was completed and performed April 25, 1999 at ROD Music Hall, CalArts.

Of course it wasn't over yet.  I brought my two buddies Laserline and

Paradox to the performance, and afterward we agreed to me finishing the

song Wednesday, and have it in Impulse Tracker so I can be put on the web

page.  Of course, that didn't happen, so we made the deadline Saturday (a

few days later), 12:00pm May 1, 1999... that's today!  For the past week

or so, I have been taking the actual 4 minute score, and sequencing it by

hand from a 5 instrument song, to a full and completed new age piece.

What you actually hear is the same song that was performed at CalArts, but

with different instuments, and some parts added and taking out.

Well, I made the deadline.  It's 7:00am and I'm writing the comments.  As

you can see, this song has had a long trip, and after being butchered to

death multiple times, the song has now been completed in it's entirety.

This is the first song I have finished in the past 8 months.

I would like to thank the persons you put up with my crap, performed the

song for me, and any one else who has inspired me to finish this song.

These people are:

The performers:

Roger Allen Ward - oboe, Guenevere Measham - cello, Eric Getter -

percussion, John Roberts - piano, me - synthesizer, and Tara Speiser -


The cheerleaders:

Laserline - for kicking my butt all the time, Paradox - for doing the

same, Roger Allen Ward - for all of his inspiration, help, teachings, and

for being an all out great guy, Ryan McKendall - a class mate of mine who

can play the piano a hundred times better than I, and everyone else who

actually likes my music and is waiting for me to finish and mail this song

as I speak... umm, write, whatever....

This song has been a lot of fun to write, and I think I've learned a lot

from making this song.  Every single song I've written so far was form an

idea from the past, and you need to write everything down.  It doesn't

matter how crappy you think it is.  That little idea can spark huge and

complex ideas (such as "Ashen Skies").  Who would have though that little

3 chord accompaniment would become what it is now.

Well, I better hurry.  Noon is coming soon, so I better go into the final

stages of this song.  Be seeing ya!



Just about every sample is self sampled, and I'm giving you the full right

to use them, especially that beautifully done piano.  As for the rest of

the samples that don't have an "*" by it (which tells you that those

samples are original), here are the songs and composers I ripped them


"Aquarium" by Awesome, "Space Debris" by Captin, "Astral Dreams" by

Nightbeat, "Maelstrom" by Nemesis, "Words of No Difference" by Loonie,

"Respirator" by Zodiak, and "Rainy Since Thursday" by Jazzman.

Anything that has an "M" by it is a modified sample.  The kick and snare

now have a reverb added to them, but those samples are still not mine.



SEt is still looking for some new members.  As long as you don't have an

attitude problem, we will more than likely accept your for your skills.

So far we have one musician, three artists, one 3D artist, and no

programmers.  We are currently looking for all positions, so pleas, if you

have a skill that can help us, please go to our web page and join on line.


Okay, that's about it.  Enjoy the song!

- Glen "Metsys" Moyes

  ICQ: 20906082


Acoustic Grand Piano    *
Generic Sine Wave       *
Rev Pingpong Cymble
Rain Outside Glens Door *
Water Piano
StarDust Strings NoFiz  *
Big Arco Strings        *
Synth BASS 1
Synth BASS 2
Synth BASS 3
Rev Pingpong Cymble     *
Snare Thingy
Hihat Closed
Hihat Open
Kick Thingy
Lite Synth String (low) *
Digital Strings PIZZ    *
Sainthood Mix BELL/STRG *
Lite Synthesized String *

/                       \
 -=-== Ashen Skies ==-=-

      Composed By:
   Metsys / SEt / IMM

 Time 5:20       New Age

     Official Release
       May 1, 1999

   Another SEt release!

Visit the SEt Home Page!

Visit the IMM Home Page!

Tell me what you think...
ICQ: 20906082 as Metsys

This song has been in the
works for a long time.
First as an accompaniment
for a song, then a small
piece for a composition
class, then a big 4 min.
bit for the same class a
few months later, and now
it's finished.

This is the best song Ive
done so far, and is my
third release (the second
is not a song, just FX).

This song was performed
at CalArts, April 25 1998
and I would like to thank
the people who performed

Roger Allen Ward_____OBOE
Guenevere Measham___CELLO
Eric Getter____PERCUSSION
John Roberts________PIANO
Tara Speiser___CONDUCTING

Big thanks to Roger, my
composition teacher, who
told me to "think out of
the box," and to "be

"Be seeing ya!"

      - Metsys May/1/1999

(c) 05/01/1999 Glen Moyes
Acoustic Grand Piano C3 *
Acoustic Grand Piano G3 *
Acoustic Grand Piano C4 *
Acoustic Grand Piano G4 *
Acoustic Grand Piano C5 *
Acoustic Grand Piano G5 *
Acoustic Grand Piano C6 *
Acoustic Grand Piano G6 *
Acoustic Grand Piano C7 *
Rain Outside Glens Door *
Water Piano             *
StarDust Strings NoFiz  *
Big Arco Strings        *
Synth BASS 1
Synth BASS 2
Synth BASS 3
Generic Sine Wave       *
Rev Pingpong Cymble     *
Snare Thingy            M
Hihat Closed
Hihat Open
Kick Thingy             M
Lite Synthesized String *
Lite Synth String (low) *
Sainthood Mix BELL/STRG *
Digital Strings PIZZ    *
/                       \
 -=-== Ashen Skies ==-=-

      Composed By:
   Metsys / SEt / IMM

 Time 5:20       New Age

     Official Release
       May 1, 1999

   Another SEt release!

Visit the SEt Home Page!

Visit the IMM Home Page!

Tell me what you think...
ICQ: 20906082 as Metsys

This song has been in the
works for a long time.
First as an accompaniment
for a song, then a small
piece for a composition
class, then a big 4 min.
bit for the same class a
few months later, and now
it's finished.

This is the best song Ive
done so far, and is my
third release (the second
is not a song, just FX).

This song was performed
at CalArts, April 25 1998
and I would like to thank
the people who performed

Roger Allen Ward_____OBOE
Guenevere Measham___CELLO
Eric Getter____PERCUSSION
John Roberts________PIANO
Tara Speiser___CONDUCTING

Big thanks to Roger, my
composition teacher, who
told me to "think out of
the box," and to "be

"Be seeing ya!"

      - Metsys May/1/1999

(c) 05/01/1999 Glen Moyes

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
