iso_majava (iso_majava.mod)
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legend / addonic is the wacko behind this "real" compost tune. a few greetings to ukulele/groo/shade /mac/darkcave/911/zup /name/wal/mtx/dean/ heatbeat/beholder/sim pson/synx/epidemic/dr .dos/slaine/prime premium/dr.mastermind /mag/harry and all a-d-d-o-n-i-c members worldwide!! by the way, synth - sounds were sampled by zak/addonic. drums sampled by me(legend) including hihat... contact me>raamitie 5 sf-91700 vaala . now, *lnd's messybox* ukulele >onneksi se levari toimi! tehdaan pas taas joku co-op kappale!(tehdaan aina !) okei...end of da messages ...btw... 4096 colors rule you all!! okei...gotta go to the!!!
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