Outside World - RMX (osw-rmx.xm)
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Original: Sunbeam: Outside World A quite old ravetrance track, it has been one of my faves through time...So when I found the rmx made by Merlin/Andenoid, I becamen so inspired by it that I made my onw RMX with Merlins samps...Of course I added a few, but, all are credited in da instrument list, where credit is due... I am MISTERE/NTP and this is just one trax of many I've done ...If you are interest ed inmore, mail me and We'll find out how to get them to you... As I haven't actually uploaded any trax any where....:-) - Too la- zy to do so yet... Any feedback will be welcome at mister_e_ 666_get2net.dk or mister_e_666_hotmail. com - Write if: you'd like to give me some feedback, like to get more of my tracks, whatever...You the drill...Shoutouts go 2 Kuno, empaler/ntp, naitsirk/ntp, Acidman and Hunden! Also, big respects go to: Deidra from #genesis309 on undernet, for givin me airtime with some of my older tracks, it was great hearing my tracks over the winamp radio! THanx! And special greetz and hellos to the track this one was dedic8ed to: OM3GA! - I'll be working the next track with some of your smps and...A swift kiss to Kate...Luv ya :-) Mister_E signing off here the 26.04.99 PLUR and all...Stay tuned for more Mister_E releases :-) ********************* We live forever as glints of light... Sample from: 95-Raver's megamix Sampled BassDrum By Gronda Gronda A clap, courtesy of Merlin Epmty an open hihat tm of Sonic/Dental Took this one from Teque/Trauma's Final reality track... Great piece of work! sample by Merlin Sample by me from Awe 32 - Bowglass I'm not sure where this samp is from - Sorry - Outside Voice from the original track Cymbal yeah, some Crash Cymbal, 909ish sample by Kuno - I can put this one to some use, eh Kuno? original samp by Merlin Snare also from the origi nal RMX Epmty Space Jam I don't know where Merlin got this from.. Rewersed cymbal yes, a rev cymbal antoher cl hihat, from Merlin's orginal and once again... Sample from some Lagoona track... A synth sound, quite close to the original sound from Sunbeam Empty Smp by Elastic... This wasn't included in Merlin's rmx A beat I found in a track by Mr.Real of Craze bell.spaze Dunno where this is from, sorry Some bell Unknown source also a samp from some Lagoona track
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