a trip to space mix (a_trip_to_space_mix.mod)
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The Good StuffSummary
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written and developed by devistator/e.o.c 1999 (c)91 end-of-century! completed date 9/9/91 this music is written for the gadget pack-3 by simon/e.o.c 1999 which should be avaliable on the 16th september 1991 from your local swapper of your group you can also contact! me for swapping demos and joining eoc 1999! by the way were only! looking for coders.so if you are intrested! in joining us or you! just want to do swaps then write or phone! me at this address devistator/e.o.c 1999 35-poplar road herne-hill , london se24 obn england or telephone me on (071) -326-0296- 50k of amiga memory! (c) of end of century
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