KuRk(HarDcoRE) (kurkhardcore.mod)
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The Good StuffSummary
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KreATiEf Met KuRK (200 BpM VeRsIoN) MOD bY: MoRNiNg wOoD foR aLl 'KUrk' FAnS oUt tHeRE! bAsIS mAtERiAleN fOr ThiS MOD wEre SAmPleD fRom tHe 'mUSiC' EpISodE. i KnoW tHaT tHe MOD iS a Bit oVErWeiGhT.. buT I doN't wANT tO CompROmiSe oN sAmpLe QuALItY.. sOrRY! See cOnTAcT.nFo oN hoW tO rEAcH mE. fInaL GReEts Go To hUMaNoId [aGaiN!] En, Peter? Met Welk Basis- Materiaal Werken We Vanavond?
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Simple but effective hardcore tune constructed around a couple vocal samples from a Dutch TV mockumentary, Kreatief met Kurk (can be found on YouTube). I remember this confusing me to no end as a child, as I had no real concept of Dutch, and so it sounded like extremely slurred German to me that I was never able to make anything of (with weird sexual undertones).