PangiTekknoMixVolume (pangitekknomix.mod)
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Cau Jos�! Toto je moja tvorba... Neviem ci ti to bude slapat. Rychlost musi byt v BPM 140/04 alebo 06 Dalo mi to dost prace vytvorit to ako stary mod!! -vsetko som musel prerabat ! (ja tiez..) humus! Vies cim sa kruzkuju vtaci? Ruzom :-o Zozen alebo si vytvor nejaky prehravac mojich modov.{MMD,MMD2..} lebo inak .... by Pangi 12.9.1994 Megasoft Slovakia go home and be family man this is a end End Absolutelly end Absolutelly mega End
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