plast (plast.mod)
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cheapish rave made in a day by rolex/apt .. \---samplecredits---\ 2,10 by yebo .... e by legend/parallax \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ all sequences are played & mixed by me. / / / / / / / / / / if you want to swap modules or other stuff, you should contact me at this addy ------> -------> thomas vaags hulda garborgs gt. 33 2300 hamar norway .... !only list-swapping! ps! anyone that sends a program called 'aural illusions 2' in their first send, will get a special suprise bonus! ! .. burgermannen har tatt sin del av kaka, saa naa er det din tur.. men er det noe igjen? nei! ... . . . . . rolex/apathy 5-mar-96
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