Again (
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Again (stupid, stupid heartstrings) a track for GC42 by goule of the group quiet data email me at or visit our webpage at please play back with filtering enabled and don't fast forward through patterns or it will not sound right sample 39 created and added by me thankyou for listening -- 3rd out of 3 entries, a score of 8.00 only one vote.. gc42 was somehow messed up i know a girl who is like a sunburn
synth sweep whistle strings synth lead dance bassdrum rock bassdrum 1 rock bassdrum 2 tambourine bongo overdrive hihat hihat kick snare drumloop noise wail sfx stereo sfx resonator 1 resonator 2 resonator 3 resonator 4 -= Groovy Compo 42 =- -= Sample Pack =- -= by Argh & Bal =- bass synth resonator 1 bass synth resonator 2 bass synth resonator 3 bass synth resonator 4 drumloop perc open hihat *byteswap perc open hihat *downsamp perc hihat sequence perc overdrive hihat perc rock bassdrum perc rock bassdrum perc trance bassdrum perc dance bassdrum perc march snare perc bongo synth vox synth string synth lead synth sweep synth sound effect noise
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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