A Pretty Good Zoo (gl-apgz8.it)
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"It's a pretty good zoo", Said young Gerald McGoo, "And the fellow who runs it Seems proud of it too." "But if i ran the zoo", Said yound Gerald McGoo "I'd make a few changes. That's just what I'd do!" record samples recorded by me originally written by the Doctor... thanks to Tim for lending me the records goule_idirect.ca
dr. seuss clip left dr. seuss clip right distorted kick bleep dist. 808 loop hat closed hat open snare 202 hit 6 202 hit 7 202 hit 8 hollow pad chord sus4 chord min dr. seuss whole left dr. seuss whole right ZOO1.WAV me ZOO1.WAV me CR808BD3.WAV me SNAREL1.WAV me DISTLOOP.ITS 155BPM me CR808PH1.WAV ? CR808OH2.WAV ? SNTHSNAR.WAV me 202HIT6.WAV sm202 202HIT7.WAV sm202 202HIT8.WAV sm202 KEN_SQUK.XM prc SLIDE4.ITS 4tT SLIDE2.ITS 4tT 8-bit stereo version
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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