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(/) desire mcmxciii by pseudolukian & sokrates ! another fucked chippr low mem = low muz !! a message to the lame koskernossa: si tu non veneris ad me, ego veniam ad te! yep, in the koskernos land we find the boum boum man and also mr.where-is-my-brain. eat shit and die!! =.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.= greetings toe: hollandse desirians, gurman desirians, belgian desirians, uk desirians, ramon b5, paragon, guy frost, thd design bip, dwel, twilight, fabian, chipper. anarchy uk, rebels dk the special bros, animators, sonic proj core design, ridi, melrose inc., kaiko, sokratec, virgin, king arthur, sonic.
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