--- PMBOOM --- !RR! (_pmboom_rr.mod)
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-Bringing back OLD -School Hip Hop with -a Touch of Techno !!! ----- PM BOOM ----- __was brought to you__ *- PRiME MERiDiAN -* Chek Us Out by Calling --..415..587..3995..-- -- Breaking the -- Zound and GFX Barrier -\Tune was JUKED by\- _- Richard Rowlands -_ Shouts out to ... Lord Menion.Sparkling Flash of ROI... Dozer of SKuLL. MY Buddy Eddie Ng who alwaz watched my back N 2 the Asian Sysops Alliance ...! Wusup to ALL the California Boards MoonAngel.ROI.GY.Geno N2000.Transporter.FP Scratching Post.PCGFX Lincolns Cabin.SKuLL This is for the world * San Francisco.Cali * *** U *** S *** A *** And my final words... M&MXchangeKISSMYASS!
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