drugs_suck! (drugs_suck.mod)
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CrEAteD bY: #SKiP/QUalM^BlAckVoiD oN 21/09/1997 AftER 2 DaYS of CreATing SamPLEZ On TB303 EmULAtOR, AuRAl ILLusION, AnD MOd2SaMP, And 2 DAyS CompOSING On mY AMIGA 600 wiTH ProTraKKER 3.5, FiNAllY I gOT IT :)) [.o. AMigA.ROOLZ .o.] Drugs SUCK!!! MoIM JedYNYM NARkOTykiem JEST MUZYKA... All SaMPLEZ by ME, exxcePT for: 04, 0E, 0F, 10 and 12. If Ya WannA steAL my SamPLES - GO FOR IT but CReaTIng is much bEtTer thaN RiPping. cnct: skip_zse.bydgoszcz.pl a CReaTION of QUALM and BLAcK VoiD 1997
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