provok d maladies (provok_d_maladies.mod)
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composed by #throb / susmabers >> they are : throb, elizium, mister x, ricken & gryzor (he doesn't know that !). module finished on : may 1994............. see u soon on the next version of pro- tracker ! (laughters) bye... wait a minute, i must tell u some- thing : this mod is finish !! be happy ! this synthetic tune tune is "funny" but not very good bcoze i am a rookie on ptk !! and i'm not special- ist of chip tunes ! so pleez, don't fuck my wife ! u fuck my wife ? so i fuck u !! finish date (???) : le mois de mai de l'an de grace mille neuf cent quatre vingt quatorze. throb (alias grungy!) buy ! oops !! bye !!!
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A catchy short Chiptune, with folk style melodies. The drums are the driving force that makes this feel quick, with a SOLID kick. The only thing I didn't like way the high-hat sample, it's a bit flat. I've listened to this track twenty times, and I still think it's good