radical sound (radical_sound.mod)
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_>+++ th_ f0x ][ +++< _a r_al!ty ' 94 pr0d. (f!n!sh_d 0n 1-11-94) For H.I.M Magazine! _>a r_m!nd_r 0f th_< f!rst g00d br_akb_at- party !n da l0wlands! amst_rdam 8 0ct. 1994 h_ll0 t0: !s0 pr-axis na0 spac_balls d-pac r_al!ty, keep up da g00d w0rk !!!!! th_ rav_r r_ality, l_t's k!ck h!m 0v_r da w0rld !!!!!!!!!!!! thanx t0 th_ pr0d!gy, w!th0ut them ! c0uld n0t hav_ mad_ th!s m0dul_, _sp_c!ally f0r th_ sampl_s ! :) ! als0 us_d s0me sampl_s fr0m al!_n - fact0ry !!!!!!!!!!!!! _(c) 1994 by : j.crul
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