sploosh_in2the_pond (sploosh_in2the_pond.mod)
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* mark't.d.k'knight * just a quick 1 hour job to write a short intro to my new music disk, "sploosh 1 1/2 weeks, the pond" named as this cos it has taken about 1 1/2 weeks to get it all done. the music was all written in a total time of about 1 1/2 weeks not including breaks. to contact me write 2 22 overhill gardens patcham, brighton sussex, e n g l a n d or phone 0273 557113 after 6.30pm hi 2 melon, anthrox twilight, hollywood nuke, hydlide, chorus and all others. poppeyanalogue poppeyanalogue 5/09/93 flit kills moths
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