TBA-0A (tba-0a.mod)
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TBA-0A Written by the Blue Adept (TBA). (c)1992- 1994 TBA MODs Inc. All of the TBA MODs are original works unless noted. Email: skrabut_ acsu.buffalo.edu WWW: http:// www.acsu.buffalo.edu/ ~skrabut/ Unless this file came PKZIPPED with a README it's not the official release!!!!! If you use this MOD, please give credits to me. Enjoy... -TBA
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Artist's Comments
As you can hear, this is a simple 4-channel ProTracker module with a variety of synths and drums. Samples were ripped from a variety of MODs a long, long time ago.
My tracking here was very simple, and I apologize for your bruised eardrums. I was mainly going for melody and harmony and not for technique.
My father once said that this one sounds a little like the Dr. Who theme. In any case, I think this is the beginning of when my technique and composition really improved. "09" had a lot of revolutionary segments and coding, but I think "0A" represents a good balance between instruments, and a much better overall technique. Are those pitch slides? oh my. ^^
I hope you enjoy it. :) - uruzrune