trust da beat (trust_da_beat.mod)
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Yo Fellows!!! This is 100% pure Dancefloor. Written and Sampled by ya new Star (Showmaker-Levy9 is Dead, you know?): ------------ ---- Velcro ---- ---- of ---- -- Knockout -- ------------ A big Helllooo to all Ravers out there!!! If you like it send a a Congratulation Card to: Holger Auernhammer Bruckwiesenstr. 32b 90522 Oberasbach Fax: 0911-6996069 --------------------- Firms are welcome!!! --------------------- Der Kultusminister warnt: Dieser Song ersetzt 25 mg EXTASY 48 Dosen Red Bull und die neue Klassik Sam- mlung von Dominion!!!
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the beginning sampled "oooh"'s are totally off-key from the rest of the song. Chalk it up to either artistic freedom/expression or tone-deafness, but I think something more in tune with the rest of the song would have been more pleasant. I liked the beat and accompanying sampled rap. A little more variety would help this one out.