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Posted by Neon Zip on Mon 12th Mar 2007, rated 7 / 10.
This is a cool folk dance song. The mandolin parts are mostly just big sample chunks, but it sounds so neat it doesn't really matter. Pick this one up!
This is a cool folk dance song. The mandolin parts are mostly just big sample chunks, but it sounds so neat it doesn't really matter. Pick this one up!
Internal Texts *
By Pipperreck J. Malt 2007 This is a neat little folk song with a "mandolin". The "mandolin" is actually my guitar playing sped up to the millionth degree (I don't the exact number!). Samples 20 and 21 have me singing the tune. I sound like a mouse because it was sped up. A very musical mouse. It sounds quite neat. I think. Oh yeah, try saying the title five times fast!
Mandolin1 Mandolin2 Tuba Hihat Mandolin3 Mandolin4 Mandolin5 Kick Cymbal Mandolin6 Snare Mandolin7 Mandolin8 with mouse Mandolin9 with mouse Mandolin10 Mandolin11
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
A very enjoyable tune, although a bit monotonous but as a folk jig this is very nic. Some very interesting use of the artists own sampled guitar to get a mandolin/banjo-ish effect. At just over 2 minutes it's just the right length as the monotony would eventually begin to grind if it were longer. Overall, very pleasant.