Hemphasized (hmphasis.it)
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Basty/Seasons proudly presents: │ │ ┌──── ┌─┬─┐ ┌───┐ │ │ ┌───┐ ┌─── │ ────┐ ┌──── ┌──┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └┐ ├───┤ ├─── │ │ │ ├───┘ ├───┤ ├───┤ └──┐ │ ┌───┘ ├─── │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌┘ │ │ └──── │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ───┘ │ └──── └──── └──┘ (stands for Hemp should be legalized) Duration: 4:03 mins Composed on July, the 11th. Total composing time was over 3+ hourz. Channels: 11/17 (Host/Virtual) Samples: GUS patches (IT2.14+ required due to sample compression) Yeah! After a very long pause I'm back with another cool song. Okay, it's a very simple melody (no complex parts, but anyway...), but it sounds nice. Enjoy it. I composed this song mainly for a message yelled out to all folks out there: LEGALIZE IT! LEGALIZE HEMP! You ask why? Well, let me explain: Hemp is, as you surely know, illegal. They say that's because you can make drugs out of it (Hash and Marihuana). Well, the first reason, why to legalize is: HEMP CAN SAVE OUR FUTURE! It can used for papers, as cosmetical stuff, as medicine (especially against cancer and AIDS), as fuel for vehicles, as solid walls for houses, for clothing and some things more. The reason why it can save our life is that it can replace current wood! That means, almost no tree-killing is required when we use the regenerative hemp. Second reason is: HASH and MARIHUANA are much more harmless than alcohol and tobacco! This is proven by certain studies. They also don't have long-term effects only a few short-term effects (but which thing in this world doesn't have this ?). Why we don't legalize? Our anti-drug politics have failed! The only thing we achieved is that criminal rate increased and illegal planting has grown. Because drugs are illegal, they lack of certain security things which we find on other stuff, instruction sheets, warning labels, contents, etc., which would make drugs much more safer to use (almost anything you find around you can kill in some ways. Salt can kill you if you take enough of it, just like, for example, cocaine and heroin. Illegalization has increased criminality. Because the stuff got illegal, the prices increased dramatically. So drug-users must often go crime to be able to pay their needs. Drug legalization would help people who take drugs, it would unaffect these who don't care about it. Because these things are legal then, help is found much more easily. Legalization would reduce drug accidents. These points should make you to thing about this problem. Now to the awaited greetings: TRSi, DEFJAM!, QUARTEX, RAZOR 1911, SKiD RoW, LAXITY, SUPPLEX, INFERNAL DUO, ReBeLS, SEASONS, LEVEL 4 / ALPHA FLIGHT, RADiCAL PROJEKT, DECAY, KFMF, BASEHEAD, THE UNCONSCIOUSNESS, MoLK, JEFFREY LIM, TRITON, FUTURE CREW, ViK, DRAGON, DUAL CREW, THE SUPERIONS, ZaSTaR and all others I've forgotten (I know that I always forget somebody, so forgive me). If you're a quality scene member, I probably have forgotten you, unless I don't know you)... Personal greetings: Lloyd Rosen, Thomas Thuermann, Ronald Jahn, Hannes Boldt, Michael Grosse, Juergen Klotz, Claudia Voigt, Bartosz Marek, Sascha Heu, Bjoern Lippoldt, Marcus Affelt, Oliver Maruschko, Stefan Wiedmann, Katja Georgi, Katja Schoetz, Carsten Graubmann and... YOU (for listening to this song). And, of course, all the others who I've forgotten. For mo0re infos about our group look into our SEASONS.NFO file which should be supplied with this song. If you want to contact me, please do it via E-Mail: cdgs.basty_usa.net or write to Seasons headquarters: seasons_softhome.net Also don't forget to visit our homepage: http://listen.to/floydmon This is the greatest chance to reach me. Bye Bye ! :-) Basty (-:
Jungle noises Sweeper Open High Conga Kick Gated Snare Metal pad Agogo Splash Cymbal Jungle noises Sweeper Open High Conga Kick Gated Snare Metal pad Agogo Splash Cymbal
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more like a bunch of samples playing randomly :P