._FAlliNG APART_.'95 (falling_apart.xm)
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._KEITH 303_. _..RADICAL RHYTHMS.._ _DELIGHT PC_ <____PAIN____> [Short-Short verzion!] Most Samples by .Basehead /Kosmic. SORRY ! ...i just wanted to do something else than the ordinary rave/acid/tekkno/.... stuff.... ...hope u loik it... Well, at least i do :) ...and pleeze don't cry while enjoying thiz one... :( A sad tunes sometimes really rule Production (c)1995 ohh almost 4got da greetz: (n orda o'coz) --.SDD/DLT --.TYGER/PAiN ! --.MEM#O'rEE/ABYSS --.LAXicAL/SCX --.DAC/RADiCAL! R. --.WiZZARD/DLT/PAiN --.COSMiC/RR/KLF/... --.CANNiBAL/RR --.RANDY ANDY/RR --.JULiE --.FUGiTiVE/LCS --.MR BEEN/DLT.PC --.RAY/RR --.JUDGE DREDD/RR --.PESSiMiST/PAiN --.X-RAY/DiG.DRMZ --.PSUDOLUCiAN/A.PC --.SPiKE/M.o.Mayday --.CAULDRON/dLT.pC --.MERCURY/dLT.Pc --.NEURODANCER/ABYSS --.BASEHEAD/KOSMiC l8ter, pal & c ya in my nxt Releaze! signin' oph... Playin' toime: 3mins.37secs Clap!.raw Clap!.raw k3o3.mark'oh.base k3o3.clsd.hihat k3o3.opn.hihat
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