The false Prophet (the_false_prophet.xm)
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The False Prophet Composed by: Waverider -95 Instruments used: - Korg Wavestation - Roland Juno-2 -Bit-99 - TR808 and XR10 drum machines Contact: Anders Lundqvist Furuvägen 106 871 52 Härnösand Tel: 0611/20972 Xr10.mod Xr10.mod Synthb.smp perc1_rimshot d4_perc1 d4_perc2 Xr10.mod R8#1.mod Seqbas Realize Thebrain Drum2 Drum1 smallcutted piano!!! octave 3 octave 4 octave 6 Fx16 Awake Computer Swell1 Bass1 Bass1 Bass1 Bass1 Bass1 Bass1 Bass1 Bass1 Bass1 Bass1 Bass1 Bass1 Bass1 Bass1 Bass1 Bass1 Sds2 Tr808clp Drums2
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