inTwo1 (in_two_1.xm)
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Es tat mir in der Seele weh dieses XM zu kuerzen um es Compotauglich zu machen! Hört euch an was draus geworden ist! - scheiB instr. - scheiB cuted pats - scheiB egal **************** Irgendjemand hat mich trotzdem dazu gebracht diese scheiB Kurz- Version einzureichen. Schönen ScheiBdank! Gritinx flai aut tu... (ScheiB Englisch,wa?) Eni(k)ac(k) (MP3) Cyc(klo)us Pandur oder mol Blacky,Cyberd,Sato, Gabi,etc. composed by Börny Börnz in 1998 ***************** snare hihat cymbal1 Deep Bass Hit scratch cymbal2 melobase Background here we go bongo melo1 melo2 melo3 piano background synth1 melobase1 bass 2 Snare variable rhythm
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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