Guitarphobia 5:03 (guitarphobia.xm)
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.Guitarphobia .composed&arranged .by Keith303 of .Anarchy .Radical Rhythms .Blank255 & .moz(IC)art .for the multichannel .compo at mekka'96! .compo limit is 5:00m .this runs for 5:03m .don't cut the .last 3secs, pleeze! .thanx a lot... This is the compoversion, which is a bit larger than the original one,since i had to make it CubicPlayer compatible cp1.666 isn't able to handle the "Lxx" command correctly, yet. so the tremstring apears twice in this tune... furthermore cp handles the the vibratos more intense and the offsets aren't that precise as they should be... so please replay this in ft2, if possible! .final changes: .27.03.1996 .quick mekka greets: .dac.acryl.sam.alpha. .sky.blade.raytrayza. .& the rest of funk!. .amable.blackknight. .and all who voted me! .peace'n harmony. K3O3.vrz.riff.b K3O3.vrz.riff.a ...guspatch. Tremstr.pat K3O3.cymbalo K3O3.metalic.snare K3O3.fnky.rtm.bass Lizardking.kick Lizardking.eff.snare cymbal.crash. (roland.s-set) Cymride2.wav (roland.s-set) Cymbell.wav (roland.s-set) Zodiak.bass.guit. Zodiak.bass2 lead.guitar.ripped Necros.guitar1 Necros.guitar2 Nabo.tomtom ...guspatch. Tremstr.pat
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