Here's Johnny (heres_johnny.xm)
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this time - its war weaeouewdudoundoun wrerereeeaeah gnoonhoshousheshee *i suggest changing ungh che ungh che ... Heeeres Johnnyonyony deuw-weh danaweuh da-da-danata clapclapclapclapclap yabadjledabasdrmgolyk *the basdrm to 1 that bam bam bam uu chi duush *dusnt sound so crap ?????? up+down thing ==================== _____ If u cant / \ tell, | - - | - | | | this is \ `--' / my face! ----- ====================== sorry but i had an urge 2 do sum askii art. ====================== this track is by me - * festa * the floundering fruity frog flipperiser. ====================== This is a track of - HERE'S JOHNNY originally by -= Hocus Pocus =- ====================== B nice + use FT2 to play this. as a proud owner of an SB16 i have no idea of what it sounds like with a GUS + i dont really giv a toss about finding out ====================== Bcos i am a nice guy i squashed the samples down so u lame GUSsers with only 512 kay can have the benefit of listening 2 this wonderful music module :---------) ====================== i am getting sik of hearing this song while writing this. might put on sum of the almighty -PRODIGY- (yay!) ====================== if u like this then buy it so u can listen 2 the BOW CHI mix it goes sumthing lyk:- babowchibow- chikibowchibow ====================== if u like this u can also get the chicken version of this by * kitsune * it goes lyk this:- bok bok bok bobok ====================== hello to: romeo (u r so cute!) asml8r(u r notso cute) King Willie Wheatie feg (effigy 4 those of clouded mind) phule (u fool, phule) stryfe (jay 4 annlynn) felix (my token gay friend) kitsune (u write sum good stuff) L. howlett (when am i getting those smps!?) god (how's it hangin?) ====================== jay4annlynnjay4annlynn jay4annlynnjay4annlynn jay4annlynnjay4annlynn romeo is my doggy, jst incse ugotda rong idea jay4annlynnjay4annlynn jay4annlynnjay4annlynn jay4annlynnjay4annlynn wen r u gonna make the big move,Jay (stryfe)? ====================== if anyone would like to email me, u wil hav 2 go via my sister at- sulyn_ and if u would like to snail mail me, look up my address in the white pages under Ooi. ====================== eek! running out of space! :-( ====================== look out 4 sindrome's nxt production - it'l be a 64bit sykadelic multidimensional kaleidoskopic trip in2 your tekno rave sub- consciousness! ====================== festa/sindrome 1995 oohboogyboogyboogy - Homer Simpson I am evil Ho-mer - Evil Homer Simpson Mortal Kombat 3 sucks because :- *it costs 2 bucks *cant break combos *Midway is greedy *noone wants to buy movelists :-) Every MK has gotten worse. I hope MK4 is really stuffed so that Midway go broke. then Rare + Capcom team up and make SF-3D with realtime ray- traced graphics! rollin', in my five point o with my rag top down so my hair can blow. - vanilla ice of the VIP posse bam bam bamuuchi bam bam bam - bamuuchi - dude in this song jjjjj a y y j a a y y j aaaaa y j j a a y jj a a y 4 Ann-Lynn ====================== how childish - (you) ===================== shnafenfargen - festa hunya-unya-oya- aya-uya-eya-oyu- oyo-aya - Chief Thunder Tiger Up-yer-butt - sagat Aaa-buuuyllshit - Ken and Ryu Gladiators Ready! - mongol on Gladiators ich bine une nazi(?) - hitler Supercalafranja- listicexpialadocious - Mary Poppins mooof - Bob the cowdog
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