Harmony In E 4:24 (harmony_in_e.xm)
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Harmony In E by Christopher Jackson dreamz_voicenet.com for Evertrance and QPortti This tune is dedicated in memory of the late Michael Firrantello, who passed away due to brain cancer this past March, 1999. This song is inspired by everything that is real in the world: theft, murder, rape, hate, and injustice. The 'E' in the title was originally the musical key, but maybe it should stand for 'everything', or even 'earth'? loop -T.G./rr sine wav -pOW bass clip -Dreamz crescendo -Dreamz snare -T.G./rr bass synth -Keith 303 -Dreamz (editing) bass synth -Keith 303 -Dreamz (editing) bass synth -Keith 303 -Dreamz (editing) bass synth -Keith 303 -Dreamz (editing) dolphin -Madhatter dolphin -Madhatter synth -Keith 303 synth -Keith 303 synth -Keith 303 synth -Keith 303 bright oboe -Dreamz sin base -Dreamz bass drum -Dreamz sampled ocean -Dreamz high hat (open) -Dreamz yves piano -Keith 303
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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