dub one (dub_one.xm)
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-dub one- -by deginge of lok- -20/2/98- dub one (c) deginge_lok '98 email: ginge_gingenet .demon.co.uk http: www.gingenet .demon.co.uk deginge says: smokers of de 'erb unite! its time for a revolution! no longer should millions of ppl be branded criminals for smoking a harmless weed, grown from the raw earth, which has existed on this planet longer than mankind itself! let yourselves be heard, crying with one voice.... "LEGALISE IT!" ..... yeah, as if any amount of ganja smokin' ppl can be bothered to do something like that ;) deginge greetz: ganjaman + all _ lok; tom;ads;lash;winst; gerry;lee;dshift_demon tech support;count zero + all _ the loft; all local friends;all who are not here :_) browse to: www.loknet.demon.co.uk for all lok choonz.. ok, thats enough from me. cya l8r peepz :) Break12.raw Level.wav Whisp.wav Break9.raw Ez2.wav Ez3.wav Break3.raw 115 BPM Ommh.pcm Ethnic.wav Ez4.wav
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