I'amreadyforashock (i_am_ready_for_a_shock.xm)
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----- - -------- - --- The sound setup! FrqTable ( Linear ) Volume ( 80% ) MixFreq ( 44000 ) Cubic ( Nope ) ---- - ----------- --- - - ------------ - --- Grundig Finearts Setup Bass ( + 3) Treble ( + 4) Level db ( + 6) Loudness ( yes) -------- - ------- -- swap bank for more cosmic informs ! the buttom with ' SWAP BANK ' rules muchas COSMiC of radical rhythms ---------------------- I'am ready for a shock 8:44mins playing time 160+beatsperminute ---------------------- (C)opyright 1996 (P)roduced 1996 ---------------------- Written and arranged 25.08.1996 01.05.33 ---------------------- Contact me: UNdERCOVER BBS +49 2323 46O-O94 ---------------------- Matthias Ksoll Bergst115/44625Herne Germany - Trancentral ---------------------- ------ - ---------- -- moq to lemon.art tja - noch nen track! moq to buster.blood der ist schnell genug! ---- - ---------- --- --- - ------ - ---- -- to velvet producer : nice tracker - but the sw ver sucks and yer price 'dimensions' too well, the same as with x-tracker will happen. --------- - ----- --- To Acid Junkies: kool acid musiK for minimal costs cosmic acid musiK radical rhythms yer favourite pc musiK label ! well - byefornow TR909-Block 16Bit (Cosmic) TR-808 Claps 16Bit (Cosmic) TR909-Snare 16Bit (Cosmic) bass Der BummaBass 16Bit (Cosmic) Cymbal Crash 16Bit (Cosmic) TB303-part1 16Bit (Cosmic) TB303-part2 16Bit (Cosmic) TB303-part3 16Bit (Cosmic) TB303-part4 16Bit (Cosmic) Tb303-part5 16Bit (Cosmic) TB303-part6 16Bit (Cosmic) Mistah Shaker deepsynthbass 16Bit (Cosmic) TB303-Hardcore 16Bit/Dist/Cosmic Smouth Analouge TB303-Hardcore 16Bit/Dist/Cosmic Knalla Bass 16Bit (Cosmic) TR909-Open Insomnia rhythm by masterbeat hype hype hype hype ich hype mich zu tode Mistah Sticka 16Bit (Cosmic) Closed Hihat 8Bit (Cosmic) Insomnia loop p1 masterbeat 909 OPEN HIHAT Insomnia loop p2 masterbeat dac.Jakecuse.wav Getreadyfora 8Bit (Cosmic)
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