the divine deity (the_divine_deity.xm)
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_keith303.- -.radical rhythms_ _d e s t i n y.- dawn rec_ (.tdr musicdisk.) c o n t a c t : michael spang_rz. all sampling by me, using my yamaha cs1x. if you want to make use of these samples, or my samples in general, credit me. some respectious regards : dac.spoon.vildauget. dupont.stereoman. cosmic.dune.croaker. jrb.dreamfish.vivid. bomb20.fusion.komah. sybaris.matrixcubed. assign.thefear.rage. the unconsciousness. dynamix.maverick. boomer.bogdan/karl. heretic.morphine. sonic.keyG/substance. fatality/hap!.nexus. bandido.vim.substance mortimer climax.hollywood. ramone.twilight.radix ambient move&velvet. hunz.bob.subhuman... and all active ppl in radical rhythms, e9, destiny, tokyo dawn, twist, advance, mono, ultrabeat, c h i ll, black sista, destiny, dreamsource, jormas, ..blaa. 1997,keith303,jul17 respect & greets to all my tdr mates at this place . listen to this, when you're alone, nearly asleep, dished,dicht, on pep, on dope, on coke, depressed, jealous or just then, when you're able to listen to the music entirely and not doin anything else but floating to it... when i imagine myself being deaf, i do imagine a personal hell on earth. music is my life... & i'm life dependant. k303.cs1x.layer1 k303.cs1x.layer2 k303.cs1x.hallkick k303.cs1x.hallprc1 k303.cs1x.hallsnre k303.cs1x.909cym. k303.cs1x.dualtone k303.cs1x.909hhall k303.cs1x.filterset1 k303.cs1x.filterset2 k303.cs1x.filterset3 k303.cs1x.filterset4 k303.cs1x.layer3 k303.todesgeschrei k303.cs1x.hallslap
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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