are am style! 7:27 (are_am_style.xm)
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JUST <---------- ----------> music ---> presents <--- >>> Are Am Style <<< composed by EHa pre-release-version DONT use any other player than FT2.08! esp. NOT it - the panning effects sind da voll ubersteuert und es hört sich scheisse an. :)) eha.burning_rubber till sample 20 EHa.Clap E.Ha! 909.bdrum 909.crash 909.clap 909.Hhcd0 909.Hhcd2 909.Hhcd4 909.Hhcd6 909.Hhod4 909.St0t0s0 909.St3t0sa 909.St7t0sa 909.St7tasa 909.Mt7d3 909.Mt3d3 909.Mt0d3 707_RID.WAV 303.patch.02 909.bdrum (war es auf jedenfall mal... :> )
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