J.To The Netherworld (j_to_the_netherworld.xm)
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drumkit bass guitar rhythm guitar rhythm guitar rhythm guitar rhythm guitar rhythm guitar rhythm guitar rhythm guitar rhythm guitar rhythm guitar rhythm guitar rhythm guitar rhythm guitar rhythm guitar rhythm guitar lead guitar lead guitar lead guitar choir jaaargh verse1 chorus verse2 " JOURNEY TO THE NETHERWORLD V2.1 " by Cadaver 11/2001 for TA:History project organized by Frizzlefried. Hail to the metalmod- scene! Cadaver's email: loorni_student.oulu.fi TA site: www.trackedaggression. com lyrics: My body is writhing in the clutches of fever and pain But my mind is free it levitates above the death-bed In a hallucination I catch a glimpse of the wonders below And I know the end has come my soul will descend Journey to the Netherworld - my soul will fly to the darkest void In a tunnel I am traveling at the speed of light Twisted faces of countless souls stare thru me Into a vast and dismal forest my way will lead As a wolf or raven I'll haunt the woods for eternity ntitled NoName NoName NoName NoName NoName ntitled gtr28bit.wav gtr26bit.wav gtr26bit.wav gtr26bit.wav gtr26bit.wav gtr26bit.wav gtr26bit.wav lead38bit.wav lead38bit.wav gtr26bit.wav gtr26bit.wav gtr26bit.wav gtr26bit.wav gtr26bit.wav lead8bit.wav lead28bit.wav lead36bit.wav NoName NoName vocs5bit.wav vocs5bit.wav vocs5bit.wav vocs5bit.wav
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This is a cool metal song. Nice and short. Very high quality. There is even a little guitar solo, and a clean guitar part. Pretty good vocals, too. Nice work!