tribute to dune/orgn (tribute_to_duneorgn.xm)
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gUNSHIP /rOCKETS! + sAMBA96 presentin' "tribute to dune/orgn" ...tributre to the old times..ham. well. its classic time tonight. time for poems. ok? btw.+ humans who starts as humans and go from us like gods gods who told us to carry on! when everybody sais give up ++smp credits most smp are from jASON, some from dUNE my best regards to the both. THUNDER.IFF AFTERDER.IFF imagine a large land HORNS.IFF by raphael gesqua CLASS.IFF LURE.IFF tikk bd3 c1 c2 c3 syk d2 ba1 ba2 ba3 ba4
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